2013年9月30日 星期一

Work will close West Van Fleet Drive in Bartow on Monday and Tuesday

Source: The Ledger, Lakeland, Fla.儲存倉Sept. 29--BARTOW -- Construction crews will shut down West Van Fleet Drive in Bartow on Monday and Tuesday nights as they erect a truss sign over the roadway.The construction is part of the final phases of roadwork on Van Fleet Drive and North Broadway Avenue, which began about two years ago. Crews have added traffic lanes to both roadways, which intersect in Bartow, and have installed sidewalks and bicycle paths, upgraded the street lighting and improved the drainage.They've also resurfaced a crossroads with concrete and the adjacent roadways fanning out from the intersection with asphalt.The truss holding directional signage will be hoisted over Van Fleet Drive west of Broadway Avenue between 9 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. Monday, continuing into Tuesday night if necessary.When crews shut down Van Fleet Drive, which is also State Road 60, they'll erect detours directing traffic to Main Street, sa迷你倉最平d Ken Nelson, the state Department of Transportation's spokesman for this project.Motorists will have access to residential communities off Van Fleet Drive and businesses in the area while the roadwork is underway.During the rest of the week, crews may close traffic lanes periodically as paving continues, but access through the construction zone will remain open.The week of Oct. 6, crews will shift to the other end of Van Fleet Drive to install a signage truss over the roadway near the entrance to Wal-Mart, Nelson said. Motorists can expect detours at that time as well.The $9.5 million project is slated for completion in late October, depending on weather and other potential delays.___Suzie Schottelkotte can be reached at suzie.schottelkotte@theledger.com or 863-533-9070.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) Visit The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) at .theledger.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

