2013年9月30日 星期一
打造不夜城 南紡夢時代上梁 總面積3.6萬坪
「南紡夢時代開發案」昨舉辦上梁典禮,迷你倉最平已投入50億元的複合式商業開發,包含夢時代購物中心、大老爺酒店及威秀影城,首期工程預計明年10月完工,已確定誠品、春水堂等60多家知名店家進駐, 未來結合娛樂產業,挑戰24小時營業、全年不打烊的東區夜明珠。市長賴清德表示,南紡夢時代是市民期待已久的美夢,如今又向前邁進一大步,感謝台南紡織飲水思源,投資回饋台南,帶來最現代化的購物休閒環境,尤其是商場尚未開張,周邊住宅建案、開發案已十分熱絡,未來希望能在台南、香港直航開通後,吸引更多國外旅客來台,提升觀光資源,讓台南更具國際競爭力。南紡夢時代全區開發面積為3.6萬坪,第一期開發購物中心、擁有250間老爺大酒店,及南紡企業總部大樓,預估年營收可創造60億元,未來5年的二、三期開發內容包括5.4萬坪的高級住宅儲存3.2萬坪的六星級旅館與二期商場。「台灣百貨賣場林立,夢時代唯有走出差異化,才能取勝。」台南紡織董事長鄭高輝表示,將以經營高雄夢時代購物中心7年多的經驗,引進最好的軟體設備,規劃各式活動,讓進駐廠商取得最佳商機。威秀影城總經理陳文彬說,台南還沒有IMAX影廳,將比照板橋大遠百威秀影城,打造擁有貴賓室、IMAX和3D設備的放映室,與一般電影院做市場區隔;老爺大酒店執行長沈方政指出,已請來荷蘭設計師,希望能打造一棟融合新舊文化,擁有250間客房的四星級飯店。確定進駐的廠商有新天地宴會廳、漢來海港城Buffet、春水堂、Jason's超市、牛角、勝博殿、麻布茶房、藍屋等餐廳,另外,距離夢時代不到20分鐘車程的仁德區,另有14萬餘坪的廠房用地待開發,目前正招攬暢貨中心、大型主題餐飲、綜合賣場進駐。mini storage
Work will close West Van Fleet Drive in Bartow on Monday and Tuesday
Source: The Ledger, Lakeland, Fla.儲存倉Sept. 29--BARTOW -- Construction crews will shut down West Van Fleet Drive in Bartow on Monday and Tuesday nights as they erect a truss sign over the roadway.The construction is part of the final phases of roadwork on Van Fleet Drive and North Broadway Avenue, which began about two years ago. Crews have added traffic lanes to both roadways, which intersect in Bartow, and have installed sidewalks and bicycle paths, upgraded the street lighting and improved the drainage.They've also resurfaced a crossroads with concrete and the adjacent roadways fanning out from the intersection with asphalt.The truss holding directional signage will be hoisted over Van Fleet Drive west of Broadway Avenue between 9 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. Monday, continuing into Tuesday night if necessary.When crews shut down Van Fleet Drive, which is also State Road 60, they'll erect detours directing traffic to Main Street, sa迷你倉最平d Ken Nelson, the state Department of Transportation's spokesman for this project.Motorists will have access to residential communities off Van Fleet Drive and businesses in the area while the roadwork is underway.During the rest of the week, crews may close traffic lanes periodically as paving continues, but access through the construction zone will remain open.The week of Oct. 6, crews will shift to the other end of Van Fleet Drive to install a signage truss over the roadway near the entrance to Wal-Mart, Nelson said. Motorists can expect detours at that time as well.The $9.5 million project is slated for completion in late October, depending on weather and other potential delays.___Suzie Schottelkotte can be reached at suzie.schottelkotte@theledger.com or 863-533-9070.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) Visit The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) at .theledger.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
透視鏡:保障自己:符合三條件 方獲賠保險
盜竊拉鏈篋財物,儲存過程快捷、無�可尋。物主購買旅遊保險,可否提出索償?國際專業保險諮詢協會會長羅少雄表示,假如在旅行時不幸因此損失財物,就算有購買旅遊保險,也要符合三個條件,才能索償。應在離機場前檢查第一,旅客必須確保行李篋已妥善上鎖,或不易被打開,不論是用金屬鎖,還是航空公司提供的索帶均可,確保有保護行李作mini storage。第二,旅客必須嚴密看守行李,不可隨處遺下行李或交陌生人看管。第三,旅客從輸送帶上取回行李後,必須立即打開行李檢查財物,有損失須第一時間向航空公司查詢及向保險公司通報,否則離開機場後,未必能夠索償損失。羅少雄建議港人外遊前購買旅遊保險,保費以旅行日數而定,一般每日只是數十元,遇上意外或遺失行李,可以獲得賠償。self storage
MGTO prepares for 1st October Golden Week with diverse measures
Source : Macau Government Tourist Office Spanning a week (1 – 7 October), 1st October Golden Week will start tomorrow officially.self storage Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has been actively preparing for its arrival in various aspects including food guide publication and activation of the tourism notification system. The Office has also increased its inspection duties and launched an online system for hotels and guest houses to report their room rates. Through a series of measures, MGTO makes a great effort not only to cater for citizens and visitors' needs but also to improve service quality in the tourism industry.The tourism notification system for 1st October Golden Week will officially come into operation between MGTO and Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province since 28 September until 8 October. MGTO will release related information online as a platform, which includes updating every previous day's Mainland and total visitor arrivals at various ports in Macau. The highest room rates offered by different hotels during the Golden Week will also be posted online. Both tourism authorities will maintain close communication with each other during the aforementioned period.MGTO regularly releases the reported room rates of different room categories offered by hotels and guest houses in Macau online. Citizens and guests can browse MGTO's website for further information and room rates of hotels and guest houses. Before 1st October Golden Week arrives, the Office has also introduced a room-rate report system online for industry partners to update their room rates on the Internet in order to raise the report system's efficiency and enable visitors to obtain the latest information.MGTO publishes the "Macau Food Guide for 1st October Vacation" (Chinese version only) together with General Union of the Macau Neighborhood Association, The United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau, The Industry and Commerce Association of Macau Northern District as well as The Industry and Commerce Federation of Islands of Macau. The guide offers a contact list of restaurants open during 1st October Golden Week for visitors to get their operation info conveniently. MGTO has also launched the first four walking tour routes themed as "Step Out, Experience Macau's Communities" lately, encouraging visitors to stroll around Macau leisurely and explore different neighborhoods for hidden gems. The new routes are expected to divert visitors off the beaten tourist track in order to alleviate the burden and foster community tourism. Visitors can download the food guide and the four walking tour maps from MGTmini storage's website: .macautourism.gov.mo or acquire the printed copies for free from the Office's Tourist Information counters.For Mainland visitors who plan to visit Macau during the Golden Week, MGTO will advise them via WeChat and mobile messages to make room reservation in advance and check local room rates on MGTO's website if needed; the Office also encourages visitors to download travel information online before their trip to Macau or acquire the printed materials at MGTO's Tourist Information counters upon arrival so that they can obtain more useful information in hand.Meanwhile, MGTO will strengthen its inspection duties at various sightseeing attractions, ports and areas while increasing the manpower at Tourist Information counters. MGTO's Tourism Hotline 2833 3000 will maintain its 24-hour operator service as usual with inspectors standing by round the clock to help visitors with their enquiries, whereas visitors can browse MGTO's website for travel tips and related information. The Office has also sent a written reminder to industry partners regarding concerns about health and hygiene, food safety, fire safety, opening hours, occupational guidelines for tour group operators, requirements for hotel room-rate report and so on.MGTO also maintains communication and exchanges news with Consumer Council, Public Security Police Force, Macau Customs Service, Marine and Water Bureau, Transport Bureau and so forth. Through the "Real-Time Information Platform of Border Ports" offered by Public Security Police Force, visitors can check the real-time border-crossing images at the arrival & departure halls and traffic lanes of Barrier Gate, Outer Harbour and Cotai Frontier Post by visiting the platform webpage: .fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitor on phone or computer. Visitors can therefore choose a suitable timing to leave or arrive in Macau flexibly. MGTO has posted a direct link to Public Security Police Force's webpage "Real-Time Information Platform of Border Ports" on its website as well.In addition, the "Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China" will take effect on 1st October. MGTO thus invited a policy expert from China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) to address explanation sessions in Macau for related official departments and travel industry partners on July so that they could gain a clearer understanding of the Tourism Law and its relations with both destinations' tourism development. MGTO will persist in carrying out its relevant duties properly in accord with the new law, hoping that the concerted efforts of all sectors will steer the tourism market toward a sound development course.迷你倉
Some needing health-care coverage find themselves in a gap
Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioSept.儲存 29--President Barack Obama's new health-care law didn't intend to leave out folks such as 60-year-old Collins "Linnie" Haynesworth Jr., an unemployed printer.But as it stands, Haynesworth, of Columbus, will be among an estimated 363,000 poor, uninsured Ohioans who will fall into a coverage gap on Jan. 1 when the Affordable Care Act requires most Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty.They don't earn enough to qualify for federal income-tax credits to help buy private coverage through Ohio's new online marketplace, and they earn too much to be eligible for tax-funded Medicaid."If the state doesn't expand Medicaid coverage, they just aren't going to have anything," said Dee Mahan, director of Medicaid Advocacy for Families USA, a liberal group.When the state's health exchange opens on Tuesday, more than 900,000 uninsured Ohioans who earn between100 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level will qualify for tax credits to lower the cost of insurance. But those with lower annual incomes -- less than $11,500 a year -- will get no help unless they currently qualify for Medicaid.Whether eligibility is expanded to cover the state's poorest uninsured could be decided in the coming weeks by Republican leaders in the General Assembly.Gov. John Kasich is pushing Medicaid expansion and could do so without legislative approval. For now, he's waiting on lawmakers who, so far, have rejected the plan. Conservatives argue it's costly and spends money the government doesn't have and question why those who would gain health coverage aren't working."This is mostly a population of able-bodied adults, 95 percent of whom don't have dependent children, and they aren't even working a full-time, federally minimum-wage job," said Edmund Haislmaier, a senior fellow for health policy at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group in Washington.He suggests that states provide limited health insurance for only primary care to those in the coverage gap, tying benefits to work requirements, as the welfare program does.Haynesworth, the out-of-work printer, said that's not fair."They think everyone is lazy or they are trying to scam the system. There are people like that but not nearly as many as they think," he said. "I know there are people who can't afford insurance, even if itself storages just $10 a month."Haynesworth had worked in the printing business for more than four decades when he lost his job in June 2010. He gets occasional freelance work, but with his unemployment benefits and savings exhausted, he can't pay his mortgage and relies on help from family and friends.He has no health insurance, but his longtime doctor continues to treat him for high blood pressure, and a hospital-assistance program paid a good portion of his medical bills from emergency back surgery."The only reason I went to the doctor was because the pain was so excruciating and I couldn't stand it anymore," Haynesworth said."I told them I didn't have insurance and no money and there was no way I could pay, and they said, 'You have to have it.' I filled out some paperwork (for assistance), but I still get bills for all kinds of things."The coverage gap was created last year when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the insurance mandate and other parts of the health-care law but ruled that states could not be forced to expand their Medicaid programs.Since then, 25 states and the District of Columbia have agreed to expand Medicaid eligibility, and 22 states have declined.Ohio, New Hampshire and Tennessee are the only states still debating the issue, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.As proposed, Medicaid would be expanded to Ohioans earning as much as 138 percent of the federal poverty level, or roughly $15,400 a year. Although Kasich says he opposes Obamacare, he argues that Medicaid expansion is a good deal for Ohio taxpayers and the uninsured.The federal government will pay 100 percent of expansion costs for three years beginning on Jan. 1 and more than 90 percent after that, bringing $13 billion to the state over the next seven years.Ohio Medicaid Director John McCarthy said those gaining coverage would be adults younger than 64 who do not have children younger than 18 living at home. (Medicaid already covers children, most parents and the disabled at this income level.)About half report earned income, so they have a job, likely low-wage or part-time work with no health-care benefits or none they can afford, McCarthy said.ccandisky@dispatch.com@ccandiskyCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
自由行開放十年,存倉帶來了2億人次內地客,亦衍生了中港矛盾,導遊阿珍、世通事件更影響香港旅遊業聲譽,對業界來說究竟是福還是禍? 旅遊業議會主席胡兆英說:「自由行點都對香港有益處。」他說內地客是全世界都爭食的一碗飯,亦是香港最易食落肚的一碗,不應該叫停,並冀開放更多自由行省市,供應新客源。 2003年,香港受沙士洗禮,旅遊業重挫,同年內地開放自由行旅客來港。十年後的今日,開放省市達49個,內地客佔每年訪港客量7成,當中9成以自由行方式來港。 2010年接任旅遊業議會主席的胡兆英指,當年正是內地客訪港的轉捩點。由2003年開放自由行,本港過夜旅客增長一直領先非過夜客。至2009年,內地允許深圳戶籍居民來港「一簽多行」,去年再擴至深圳非戶籍居民,即日往返的旅客增幅超越過夜客增長。不過夜客增 旅業零得益 新趨勢是旅遊業惡耗,胡解釋:「非過夜客來港,只有零售業受惠,旅遊業其實零得益,更衍生很多社會問題。」他說,兩類客消費相差逾3倍,過夜客搭乘交通工具、租住酒店、參觀旅遊景點及購物,人均消費高達8,000元。但即日往返旅客以購物為主,他們熟悉港人生活模式,共用港人交通工具、食肆,旅遊業幾乎做不到他們的生意。 胡兆英續指,內地旅客其實在全世界眼中都是肥豬肉,個個都搶食這碗飯,雖然再開放自由行城市在社會引起爭議,但仍要繼續開放,因過夜客多來儲存次就會厭倦,要吸引更多經濟利益較高的過夜客來港.以補充流失的客源。 他又說:「香港應有國際大都會的風範,出境旅遊是一個國家給予國民的權利,自由行其實仍要辦證來港,並非免簽證。」 社會亦對旅遊業接待能力仍有疑問,胡兆英指,幾年前酒店供應的確緊張,但現時業界接待能力仍存在空間,酒店入住率全年平均約83%至84%,加上陸續有新酒店落成,短期內難見客滿情況。近期酒店房價亦明顯回落,數年前逾4,000元一晚的巔峰已不復見。倡關口設商場 吸購物客 隨�2015年高鐵及2016年港珠澳大橋開通後,中港交通網更完善,旅客量勢再增加。胡認為應要增設關口購物商場,將以購物為目標、引起中港矛盾的不過夜客分流到邊境地區,帶來長遠經濟效益。 今日生效的《國家旅遊法》令內地團團費倍增,胡兆英認為會帶來陣痛,預期十一黃金周來港內地團客量按年跌3成,但長遠可整頓業界歪風,助行業健康發展。 綜觀導遊阿珍、阿蓉及世通「旅客�巴士」事件,內地客對港旅遊業界信心曾經動搖,故旅議會以嚴厲懲處及大動作的補救措施應對,包括釘牌、在國家及地方旅遊局加強宣傳等,即使被指反應過大,目的只為極速挽回形象。 回顧10年來自由行對香港的影響,胡兆英說:「點都對香港有益處」。他對於下個十年仍然樂觀,但旅客量仍要看政策變化,業界亦要續推新產品迎合旅遊知識日高的內地客。 (系列三之一)self storage
County poised to move DSS to human-services center
Source: The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.迷你倉C.Sept. 30--DURHAM -- County officials are ready to move Durham's Department of Social Services into its new headquarters starting midweek, consolidating operations now scattered in different parts of the city.The transition will occur in phases, with different DSS operations taking turns at overnight or over-weekend moves. Most of the job will be complete by noon on Oct. 14.Administrators say the consolidation will make the Health and Human Services Building at 414 E. Main St. a one-stop shop for clients of some of the county's major services.The Department of Public Health has been in the complex since the spring of 2011."We think people are going to be pleased with it," County Engineer Glen Whisler said. "It's a building that will really allow the services to be delivered efficiently."Whisler and DSS Director Michael Becketts voiced confidence that the upcoming move, which begins Wednesday night, will proceed smoothly.Planning for it began months ago, and the county has recent experience in orchestrating such transitions. It opened a new courthouse in February."Our biggest concern is that people are going to come to the old buildings when they should be coming to the new one," Becketts said, alluding to existing DSS offices on West Main Street and on Duke Street. "That goes with the transition, but people will get frustrated."He added that people with questions about where they should go while the transition is still unfolding should call the department at 919-560-8000 for information.A文件倉schedule of the moves is also available on the Web at bit.ly/1awcinN.Welcome though it may be to county officials, the impending completion and full occupancy of the human-services center is far behind its original schedule and the focus of a scheduled mediation with its builder.The $92 million project unfolded in two phases and in theory was to have been complete in the spring of 2012.Officials green-lighted the start of construction early in 2009.Whisler said the county's reckoning is that the project's 552 days late, even counting the 17-day contract extension the builder, New Atlantic Contracting Inc. of Winston-Salem, got to deal with the removal of underground storage tanks from the site.He and County Manager Mike Ruffin referred questions about the delays to County Attorney Lowell Siler, who confirmed lawyers have been helping administrators ride herd on the final stages of the project."The primary emphasis now is to just get it completed, as quickly as possible and in the manner in which we want it completed," Siler said, also confirming plans for mediation with New Atlantic.Siler was vague when asked for the county's take on the reasons for the delay."It kind of boils down to, in our opinion, just a matter of how well things were managed," he said, adding there were questions about whether contractors had "the right people there at the right times" trades-wise.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) Visit The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) at .heraldsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Road Warrior column
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Sept. 30--TRAMWAY SIGNALS MAY GET MORE IN SYNCH: Greg Miliatis emails "I travel north on Tramway, between Indian School and Academy, and for at least the past year, I -- and essentially all cars -- get caught at virtually every single traffic light, every day, regardless of the time of day."Annoying as it is to waste time by stopping at every single traffic light," Greg says, "it's actually a pollution problem as well. Accelerating to 45-50 mph six to eight times over a few miles burns far more fuel than driving at a steady, posted speed limit."Typically, at least 50 to 60 vehicles are stopped at each light to let a handful of cars from the cross street(s) pass. It seems like it'd be a fairly easy thing to re-time the lights so that vehicles on Tramway wouldn't get stopped at every single light, thus reducing pollution."In theory, maybe. In reality, with cross traffic and pedestrians, not so easy at all.David Mitchell, director of Operations and Maintenance for Bernalillo County, says Tramway signals are "synchronized with a specific amount of time from one signal green to the next called 'offsets.'"But as the county has said many times before, it is a delicate balancing act, and all it takes is one push of a pedestrian crosswalk to throw the whole system out of whack for multiple cycles.So the county wants to expand the adaptive signal system it is currently trying out on Alameda to Tramway -- and which has gotten rave reviews except for two weeks ago when it was off so the county could get baseline flow data -- and is looking into a federal "congestion mitigation" highway grant to pay for it."We think it has maybe even more potential on Tramway," Mitchell says, "because of the impossible inability to satisfy both the side street waiting times, when it looks like nobody's on Tramway at points during the day or late night, and people who do not want to wait for that coordination-wave to get to them, vs. the folks that want green all the way on Tramway."RIO BRAVO/SECOND RAIL ARM ADJUSTED: Back in June a reader voiced a concern about the arm at the train tracks blocking an ambulance long before the Rail Runner arrived. The county checked it out, in reference to federal requirements for train arms, and said it was operating correctly.But the county stayed on the case regarding what it could do with the signals, and there's an update. Last week signal expert Robert Bak文件倉r "finished reprogramming Second Street and Rio Bravo to run eastbound and westbound after a train passes for up to 100 seconds, then it goes back into coordination, no matter what."Mitchell explains there had been automatic left turns after the gates rise, and Baker "added an artificial two long green cycles in the otherwise synchronized timing for Rio Bravo to clear the track crossing after a train stops."Baker says he watched the crossing "with a southbound Rail Runner, and it served 60 seconds when the arms went up then another full 100 seconds when the arms went up again." And while "southbound Second back(ed) up almost to Rossmoor," that "isn't bad considering the amount of Rio Bravo traffic that was cleared."NOT ALL STATES OFFER FREE PARKING TO HANDICAPPED: David Blacher emails a thanks for the recent column pointing out handicap placard/license holders (can) park in metered spaces in New Mexico for free. "However, although the regulations are as you represented in both California and New Mexico, and at least 20 other states in which I have driven and have direct personal experience, not all states are as enlightened."David says that on a recent trip "I discovered that the city of Atlanta has no heart or understanding of the needs of those of us with limited mobility, and the proper standard documentation and placards. They have no such allowance. It appears that their private contractor who manages and enforces parking regulations gleefully sees out-of-state cripples as nothing more than a ready revenue stream, and the city supports them and is happy to get its piece of the pie. Please make your readers aware of this."According to parkatlanta.org, the city's parking regulations are designed to "help maximize available parking, maintain traffic flow and enhance public safety." There is no reference to waiving meter fees for handicapped placards.Another item to put in the know-before-you-go file.Assistant editorial page editor D'Val Westphal tackles commuter issues for the Metro area on Mondays and West Siders and Rio Ranchoans on Saturdays. Reach her at 823-3858; road@abqjournal.com; P.O. Drawer J, Albuquerque, N.M. 87103; or go to ABQjournal. com/traffic to read previous columns and join in the conversation.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
5艘漁船西沙遇險74人失蹤 習近平李克強連夜批示要求全力搜救 目前海況惡劣救援困難重重
製圖/王斌9月29日晚,儲存急促的電話鈴聲在海南省海上搜救中心響起,廣東台山和香港5艘漁船171名漁民,在西沙珊瑚島附近海域遭受強颱風"蝴蝶"襲擊,2艘沉沒、1艘失去聯繫。這一重大沉船事件引起中央領導高度重視。中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平連夜作出重要指示,要求廣東、海南兩省抓緊組織有關方面力量,全力搜救失蹤人員和解救被困人員。中共中央政治局常委、國務院總理李克強立即作出指示,要求全力搜救失蹤人員、救助遇險船舶,同時要確保搜救人員安全。記者實地採訪發現,一場與颱風賽跑的"南海大救援"正在緊張展開。但由於受颱風惡劣氣象條件影響,救援工作進展困難重重。"蝴蝶"來襲 5艘漁船遇險熱帶低壓、熱帶風暴、強熱帶風暴、颱風、強颱風——今年第21號強颱風"蝴蝶"從南海一路向北,來勢洶洶。但"蝴蝶"的威力沒有引起部分作業漁民的足夠重視。9月29日18時37分,農業部南海區漁政局向海南省海上搜救中心發電報稱,廣東和香港5艘漁船171人在西沙珊瑚島海域避風,由於颱風風力太大,其中廣東台山籍兩艘漁船沉沒,60人落水。19時30分,落水漁民被同行漁船和守島部隊救起13人,47人失去聯繫,另有台山籍粵台漁62108船上28人情況不明。粵台漁61008和香港船舶台沙6198漁船共83人仍受颱風威脅,情況危急。截至9月30日13時40分,海南海上搜救中心確認失去聯繫的一艘廣東漁船沉沒,僅救起1人,至此下落不明的漁民增至74人。另受颱風威脅的另外兩艘漁船處於安全狀態,正在參與救援。海陸空展開"南海大救援"這起重大沉船事件已引起中央主要領導高度重視。接到全力搜救遇險船隻和漁民的命令後,海陸空各方力量緊急動員起來。獲悉漁船傾覆漁民落水這一情況後,海軍司令員吳勝利、政委劉曉江連夜部署搜救任務,指示南海艦隊立即在三亞成立搜救指揮部,在西沙海域成立海self storage指揮所,在琛航島成立現場搜救指揮所,立即組織南油969船、788艇、1239艇在琛航島附近海區展開搜救,成功救起3名落水漁民。海軍駐琛航、珊瑚、金銀島守備部隊當晚打開島上所有信號燈和強光燈,為海上受災船隻和遇險漁民指引方向。他們還成立10支救援分隊,連續不間斷巡查駐守島礁和周邊無人島礁,及時救助求救遇險漁民。9月30日上午,海軍緊急從湛江派遣168、169兩艘大型驅逐艦和863船、南拖189船趕赴西沙海域參加搜救任務,擴大搜索範圍。30日12時許,南海艦隊航空兵直九-C型飛機由三亞起飛赴琛航島海域搜救並轉移後送傷員。後續將根據氣象條件,派出運輸機和直升機參加搜救行動。遇險漁民獲妥善安置目前,277名遇險漁民在琛航島上得到妥善安置,海軍守島部隊為他們提供了食宿和醫療保障。此外,海軍還及時為地方參與搜救的飛機開放軍用機場,提供加油、航線調配保障。記者實地採訪發現,受到颱風"蝴蝶"影響,搜救和救援工作困難重重,而且救援的黃金時期顯得異常寶貴。海南省海洋預報台預報室主任王青顏介紹,從9月30日8時到10時的海洋監測情況看,西沙海域最大海浪波高為4米,8時到10時監測到的有效波高分別為3.7米、3.5米、3.4米,"惡劣的海況給現場救援造成較大阻力"。"預計大風天氣仍將持續,這給下一步的救援將帶來很大麻煩。"王青顏說,一是抗風等級不夠的救援船隻不能出海或抵近,二是海上浪大容易在救援時發生新的危險。據新華社海口9月30日電專家釋因或因漁船忽視颱風威力惹禍颱風"蝴蝶"凶猛異常,為何漁船沒有及時採取避風措施?據瞭解,此次颱風"蝴蝶"影響時,海南省瓊海市潭門鎮有30多艘漁船在西沙海域作業。瓊海市漁政管理站站長符拉帥說,西沙避風條件比較差,唯一一個避風良港是琛航島。"外省漁船可能不太熟悉西沙海域的情況,對哪些島嶼能避多少級的風預料不足。"迷利倉
【記者許志煌/台北報導】總統馬英九昨(三十)日表示,迷利倉自二○一一年歐盟及法國十一個海外屬地給予我國人免簽證待遇後,我國赴法旅遊的人數已較過去增加三成。總統說,我國亟盼與法國簽訂青年打工度假協定,讓十八至三十歲的年輕人能至雙方國家進行為期一年的打工度假活動。對於此案已漸露曙光,總統除表達欣慰之意,並期盼台法雙方在各領域密切交流之際,也能進一步強化雙方的政治及外交關係。總統昨天上午接見法國前總理克瑞松夫人暨法國國民議會友台小組訪華團,並在致詞時做了前述表示。總統指出,我與法自存倉交往密切,以科技領域為例,法國是我國在歐洲發展及合作最多的國家,過去一年來,雙方合作計畫多達六十項,如機械人研究及綠色能源開發等,成果相當豐碩。而在經貿方面,法國是我國在歐洲的第四大貿易夥伴,我國則為法國在亞洲的第五大貿易夥伴,去年雙邊貿易額約四十二億歐元,且持續增加中。在文化及教育交流方面,總統表示,台法迄今已簽訂二百多項高等院校合作協定,每年約有五十部法國電影在台上映,數量居亞洲第一;而由兩國合作並由我國導演蔡明亮執導的新片「郊遊」,更在這屆威尼斯影展獲評審團大獎。mini storage
■昨日,儲存廣州市旅遊局在以太廣場舉行"文明旅遊·誠信興商"暨《旅遊法》宣傳主題活動。 新快報記者 寧彪/攝 ■新快報記者 黃曉嘉 通訊員 張敏婷 國慶7天長假正式拉開序幕,廣州市內各大旅遊集中出發點迎來了出游高峰。記者從市內旅遊市場瞭解到,繼出境長線游開拔後,出境游中短線、國內游等各旅遊線路也在今天全線迎來出發高峰。某旅行社統計顯示,黃金周出境游占五成,以東南亞等中短線為主;國內游則集中在傳統熱門旅遊地和應季賞秋的西部城市。 旅行社表示,黃金周出游高峰將主要集中在假期前3天,明後兩天將迎來省內游出行高峰。 出境游中短線受青睞 據市內一大型旅行社統計數據顯示,黃金周首日該社出發的出境游團隊就超過500個約1.8萬人,多以中短線國家為主。其中,行程5-6天的東南亞、台灣遊客最多,占出境遊客的60%。遊客仍是以"家庭遊客"為主,更不乏由幾個家庭一起出游的"家族式"遊客。 隨著《旅遊法》正式實施,今天出發的全線旅遊產品均實行"一價全包"純玩模式,市民出游的熱情較往年反而更為高漲。業內人士表示,與出境長線游相比,出境中短線遊客國慶黃金周出游感受"新法"帶來的行程變化和品質的提升將更為明顯。"特別是東南亞游,以往市民對其印象多數被過量的購物點和眼花繚亂的自費項目等破壞,《旅遊法》實施後,在相關法規的約束下,遊客赴東南亞旅遊的品質將得到明顯的提升和保障,繼而促動市民多次出游的熱情。" 國內游自由行增兩成 今天出游分赴國內各地旅遊的遊客集中點也人氣旺盛,其中華東、mini storage京、海南以及兩湖高鐵游等仍是主流出游方向,應季的西部賞秋游也在國慶迎來出游高峰,有旅行社僅今天一日往四川、西藏、雲南等熱門賞秋勝地出遊人數便超過4000人,占今天國內出游總數的四成。 據旅行社透露,與以往團隊游"稱霸"黃金周的情況相比,今年選擇自由行或半自由行的遊客比例則明顯增多,相較去年同期起碼增加兩成。 旅行社負責人就指出,受《旅遊法》實施約束,今年黃金周旅遊線路將以往可供遊客自選的遊覽項目或景點都納入報價內,出游價格有不同幅度的上浮的同時,遊客出遊行程的可選性和靈活性也有一定程度降低,直接導致團隊游收客量的下降。而與常規團隊游產品相比,旅行社推出的"機(票)+酒(店)"組合型自由行產品價格優勢和行程的靈活性更明顯。 假期後段港澳游有位 省內游方面,今天零時開始"重大節假日高速公路小車免費通行"政策已生效,不少有車一族紛紛搶先上路自駕出游,周邊各大景區開始迎來首輪國慶長假出遊人潮。團隊游方面,黃金周首日赴省港澳旅遊的團隊主要以省內海灘游、溫泉游、生態休閒游和港澳樂園游為主,出行人數近萬人。 旅行社方面表示,預計繼今天的小高峰之後,假期省港澳出游高峰將于明後天開始,且將不斷有"今天報名、明天出發"的出游不定性遊客人群的補充。為滿足遊客黃金周長假出游的需求,市內旅行社門店在黃金周期間亦將正常營業,供市民咨詢報名。 從目前的情況看,國慶假期省港澳旅遊線路已報滿六成,尚有部分名額和特惠線路可選,尤其是10月4日後出發的團隊,剩餘名額仍較為充足。黃曉嘉、張敏婷self storage
新灣區 亞太電視網聚焦高雄
高雄轉型為文化藝術和休閒觀光城市受到國際媒體注目,儲存DISCOVERY頻道亞太電視網製播《亞洲新灣區:高雄》以及《高雄愛玩樂》自10月起在全球33個國家,以6種語言播出,昨天首映記者會上,市長陳菊、DISCOVERY北亞區總經理林東民、旅遊生活頻道主持人JANET合力揚起大風帆,象徵高雄邁向國際港都。《亞洲新灣區:高雄》紀錄高雄成功轉型之路以及未來亞洲新灣區新展望,將在10月11日星期五晚間10點在台灣首播;旅遊生活頻道《高雄愛玩樂》則是透過JANET以小提琴與藝術家、音樂創作者、歌手音樂交流,深度探訪人文旅遊的mini storage色景點,將在10月13日星期日晚間10點在台灣首播,節目各為1小時。旅遊生活頻道主持人JANET隨《瘋台灣》節目拍攝多次暢遊高雄,她表示,每次造訪高雄都覺得高雄越來越好,深深感受這裡是個充滿文化、藝術、電影、音樂的豐富都市,這次拍攝印象最深刻的是和台青蕉樂團一起種香蕉、玩音樂,發揚在地文化。陳菊說,《亞洲新灣區:高雄》可以看到高雄邁向智慧城市,從觀光旅遊、數位內容、遊艇製造與文創產業等方面,吸引更多人才進駐;《高雄愛玩樂》節目,則是從文化面看見高雄的音樂藝術能量,希望透過影視節目的放送,讓全世界觀眾感受高雄的魅力。self storage
2013年9月29日 星期日
移動電子商貿分一杯羹 互聯網巨頭掀戰幔
自移動互聯網之興起,儲存令內地互聯網巨頭的「地盤」互相重疊,競爭日趨激烈,阿里巴巴為鞏固自己電子商貿的龍頭地位,以「來往」迎戰騰訊(00700)旗下微信,全因移動電子商貿有無限商機。 內地騰訊、阿里巴巴及百度三大互聯網巨頭,一向分別各據有利位置,其中騰訊分別用QQ及微信在互聯網及移動互聯網控制即時通訊,幾乎壟斷了人際關係的入口,而阿里巴巴幾乎控制了B2B、B2C及C2C,也就控制了電子商務的入口。而百度幾乎壟斷了搜索引擎,也就控制了互聯網信息的入口。 隨�愈來愈多人透過智能手機網購成為生活習慣,一向主力網遊及即時通訊的騰訊,亦把握機會在移動電子商貿分一杯羹,不過,其對手正是佔逾7成市場份額的阿里巴巴。騰訊今年第二季收入中,有15.3%來自電子商務交易,雖然佔比不大,但同比增長156%,增速之快引起了阿里巴巴反擊。 阿里以「來往」抗衡微信 首先,早前部分淘寶賣家借微信營銷應用,在微信上建立專屬店面或頁面,用戶瀏覽後可直接在微信內瀏覽並購買,令阿里巴巴停止微信在淘寶的應用。 還有,阿里上周正式發布好友互動平台「來往」,可謂衝�微信及其移動電子商貿商機而來。「來往」是阿里集團新成立網絡通訊事業部後,首個對外亮相的核心項目。 兩大互聯網巨頭騰訊及阿里巴巴打升級戰,全因信息消費商機無限,並獲國務院視為「穩增長」的引擎之一,可拉動國內有效需求之外,亦可以調結構。據8月份公布的《國務院關於促進信息消費擴大內需的意見》,以實現到2015年使信息消費規模超過3.2萬億元人民幣,年均增長20%以上,並推動電子商務交易額大幅增加。(詳見表) 衍生出各行業龐大商機 信息消費當中以除了電子商務服務有實質受惠外,同時亦衍生出龐大商機,包括建設龐大雲端資料系統、運self storage物流業者、4G網通及NFC行動支付等等,這些衍生出來的商機,大大令傳統產業鏈出現變化。 究竟電子商貿發展速度如何?以物流開發商在內地租賃倉庫面積可見一斑,作為中國最大的物流開發商,普洛斯(GLP)在年報中披露,在內地可供租賃的倉庫面積中,電子商貿租賃面積的佔比已從2011年年中的14%升至2012年末的20%,可見電子商貿在內地正迅速發展。 至今為止,電子商貿對於倉儲需求的貢獻主要來自亞馬遜及其他一些B2C網站。此外,電子商貿配送的另一重要趨勢是一些大型B2C平台,它們亦開始探索建立自己的物流網絡,自行持有及管理倉儲設施。 從事航空物流業的瀚洋控股(01803),亦有受惠於電子商貿的機遇,因為愈來愈多來自全球各地消費者透過網購,額外衍生出對物流業的龐大需求,其主席余浩源於航空業擁有28年經驗,曾任多間航空公司管理職位,他表示,「全球購買及運輸的模式正處於改變,原因是電子商貿的盛行,大家都願意網上消費,因為選擇多又便宜。」 對產品要求愈來愈高 余浩源表示,「今天內地電子商貿主要是一些低價值的產品,所以採用陸路運輸為主,但參考已發展的國家顯示,市民對產品要求愈來愈高,會轉向高價值產品為主,未來會多採用空運。」 以往物流只由廠商生產貨品運往分銷商再到客戶手上,他表示,「隨�電子商貿令市場出現變化,客戶透過網上購物,直接接觸全球生產商買產品,廠商透過物流如陸路、航運及空運等方式,將貨品交到客戶手上,最終貨品變得很分散,從而帶動整個物流業發展。」 他續說,「透過網上購物,來自巴西的客戶可以在中國廠商購物,又或者中國人亦可以在非洲廠商購物,最終出現一些大量及很小型貨品透過空運及航運到達客戶手上。簡言之,即是將傳統的貿易形式拆散,衍生出對物流額外需求。」迷利倉
self storage digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2013-09/30/content_226339.htm?div=-1...科技日報訊 (通訊員李庶雯 記者王建高)青島高新區圍繞"做高做新"青島北岸城區的定位,著力打造高端人才集聚區,加快"千人計劃...迷利倉
全國版) - (2013首屆湛江海洋周開幕
南方日報訊 (記者/崔財鑫 通訊員/林洪強 陳樂)昨日上午,存倉由廣東省海洋漁業局、省旅遊局和湛江人民政府聯合主辦的2013首屆湛江海洋周,舉辦了簡單而又隆重的開幕式。湛江市委書記劉小華,市委副書記、市長王中丙,省和省有關嘉賓代表出席了開幕式。數千名市民和遊客參加了開幕式及有關活動。以"南國港灣、歡樂海洋"為主題的2013首屆湛江海洋周活動,是湛江結合"2013中國海洋旅遊主題年"和"南粵幸福活動周"開展的一儲存特色活動,也是2013廣東國際旅遊文化節的主題活動之一,旨在展示展示湛江海洋城市、海洋資源、海洋經濟、海洋文化的特色,增進湛江與國內外的友誼、交流與合作,加快湛江創建廣東最大的海洋經濟示範市,推進湛江經濟社會全面發展,進一步提升湛江區域帶動影響力及國際形象,同時豐富廣大市民遊客的節日精神文化生活。2013首屆湛江海洋周具有規模大、範圍廣、內容豐富的特點,分為海洋經濟、海洋文化、海洋軍事、海洋旅遊等四大板塊。self storage
商業模式創新:榜樣的力量 ——2013年浙江服務業商業模式創新十佳企業出爐 為落實《關於進一步加快發展服務業的若干政策意見》(浙政發〔2011〕33號),mini storage充分發揮典型示範作用,引導服務業企業積極創新,推動我省服務業加快發展、高質量發展,省發改委會同省服務業聯合會組織開展了全省服務業商業模式創新企業評選工作。經專家評選,最終產生了"2013年浙江省服務業商業模式創新十佳企業"。這些企業在商業模式創新和運營方面獲得了成功,為企業自身發展奠定了堅實基礎,同時也積累了寶貴經驗,有益于其他企業學習和借鑒,引導更多的企業從商業模式創新入手,尋找到轉型提升的突破口。 浙江移動 打造手機閱讀平台 助力產業升級 中國移動手機閱讀基地于2009年年初正式建設,2010年5月正式推出。該基地將中國移動7億用戶與閱讀產業相對接,利用規模優勢、網絡優勢、載體優勢和支付便捷優勢,打造全新的數字圖書發行渠道,助力傳統出版產業的升級改製,並承擔推動全民閱讀率的提升、服務節能減排和綠色環保的社會責任。其主要商業模式創新如下: 在模式創新上,創新性地打造了全新的手機閱讀內容匯聚和分發平台,實現良性發展。手機閱讀通過合理的商務模式和有效的政策措施,保障了出版產業的收益,快速為整體產業帶來收益,是撬動產業、促進產業良性發展的基礎。 在市場發展上,已基本打造成為國內規模最大的數字閱讀用戶。2010年12月,手機閱讀月訪問用戶達1.06億,日均點擊量達4.6億次,手機閱讀信息費收入近2.5億元,同比增長48.1%。 在客戶經營上,建立會員最多、影響力最大的悅讀會讀者俱樂部。在產品創新上,以雲書架為核心,構建了體驗領先的無縫閱讀產品體系,創新無縫閱讀產品,打造領先的用戶閱讀體驗,提供一站式閱讀服務。 在內容運營上,成為國內數字正版內容最多的平台。在風險管理上,建立最嚴格的內容風險管控體系。並在業務運營上,構建基於大數據的智能化內容分發系統,打造智能化的分發模式,構建基於大數據的商業智能化系統。 華數 整合"一雲多屏"產業鏈條 華數集團是全國最大的互動電視內容提供商、全國最大的3G手機電視內容提供商,同時在全國率先獲取3G手機電視全國集成運行牌照,位居全國新媒體和三網融合的第一陣營。華數的商業模式突出體現在以下三點: 超帶寬基礎上開創中國數字電視的"杭州模式"。華數集團在2001年與思科合作,打造了國內第一個覆蓋全市的寬帶IP網絡,目前累計發展寬帶用戶已經超過60萬戶,是國內廣電網絡為數不多超過10萬戶量級的規模商用網絡,實現了運營商級的端到端管理。 基於"全業務"戰略構建數字內容服務的新體系。經過十幾年的創新發展,華數集團已經基本建成了覆蓋"數字內容及新媒體、數字電視網絡、有線與無線寬帶通信、移動多媒體、新業態電視、網絡文化服務、信息服務業"等產業板塊的全業務模式。 實現雲技術支撐下的服務業態創新。華數集團以雲存儲、雲轉碼、雲分發為支撐,綜合覆蓋數字互動電視、3G手機電視和互聯網電視、PC等�多屏幕,形成"一雲多屏"的產業鏈條和服務業態。華數正積極進行廣電媒體雲的規劃和建設,打造媒體服務的信息基礎設施。 遂網公司 鏈接網商 服務三農 在僅有5萬多人口的遂昌縣城,已有1500多人成為遂昌遂網電子商務有限公司的正式會員並經營網店,實現了農特產品的農民自產自用到全民皆商的發展形勢。其商業模式創新主要體現在: "C2B2C"特色供應鏈,破解淘寶難題。農產品在傳統淘寶C2C模式的銷售存在的主要問題是產品供應商與消費者之間沒有一個公開透明的信息平台。遂網模式踐行的C2B2C模式,增加的中間環節"B"是由政府信用擔保的公司,負責產品和服務質量的監管,同時幫助產品供應商進行產品推廣,並為他們提供有效的市場信息。"B"環節的增加,加強了上游供應商"C"(農戶、農民專業合作社)系統性的管理,並提升了對下游售後的"C"(淘寶買家)的服務。 全面的品質監管體制,保證產品服務質量。遂網公司堅持政府部門指導下的品質監管,由農業、質監、工商、團委、衛生、環保、林業、漁業等地方政府部門聯合行業協會組建成遂昌農特產品品質專家小組,負責建設品質指導、監管等相關規範、標準體系。 搭建公共服務平台,提供綜合服務。遂網公司搭建的公共服務平台全面服務于網商和供應商,並籌建電子商務創業園區,引導有實力和有志于電子商務的網商入園創業。 川山甲 川山互動 共甲天下 川山甲成立三年時間,每年以100%的速度增長。"我們用了5年在做2個字,專和細,先做平台,再考慮盈利。"川山甲總經理許建華這樣總結經驗。 概括來講,川山甲的商業模式主要包含三個平台和四個創新。"三個平台"即基於物聯網的主料供應鏈管理平台,基於物聯網的輔料供應鏈管理平台和基於物聯網的物流產業鏈服務平台。"四個創新"即理念創新、技術創新、金融創新、平台創新。 總體來看,川山甲是利用供應鏈綜合服務平台解決鋼鐵產業鏈中所面臨的問題,使產業鏈中上下游企業均獲得更高的利潤。現在,鋼鐵產業鏈中的供應商可以直接供貨給鋼廠,省去4-5個中間商,減少了貿易環節,供應商銷售規模提升了30%,流通環節成本下降20%左右;實現了上下游企業的信息共享,更好的安排生產計劃,減少了冗余的庫存,管理人員減少了50%左右;將原來零散的運輸,變成集中安排、計劃性強的運輸,減少了運輸次數和空載率,物流成本降低20%以上;成為川山甲合作伙伴的企業,可以先支付30%的貨款就可以先發貨,降低了中小企業的成本壓力;川山甲為客戶提供高質量、差異化的服務,並收取一定的服務費用,實現自身的盈利。 開元旅業 多元產業聯動發展 開元旅業集團是一家以酒店業為主導產業,房地產業為支柱產業,建材業和其他相關產業為新興產業的大型企業集團。開元旅業集團25年的成長尤其是近15年的跨越式發展,其商業模式創新體現在以下幾個方面: 獨特的酒店與綜合地產聯動模式。以市場為導向,開元建立了覆蓋中、高檔市場的酒店品牌,形成了清晰的產品體系。為提高酒店產業的競爭力和盈利能力,促進酒店產業的健康、快速發展,開元儲存業集團綜合自身優勢,戰略性地提出發展旅遊房產和商業復合地產業務,並提煉出了"住宅+商業+酒店+旅遊"復合聯動開發模式。 充分利用集團優勢,搭建酒店管理支撐大平台。以市場為導向,開元建立了覆蓋中、高檔市場的酒店品牌,形成了清晰的產品體系。開元酒店集團以精細化管理為前提,依托開元旅業集團研發團隊,採用專業化管理模式管理下屬酒店,從酒店的規劃、設計、產品等方面制訂各項標準和程序,指引酒店去執行,並運用�多不同平台來支持規模化發展,多途徑來進行監督提升。 烏鎮旅遊 完美的古鎮模式 烏鎮景區經營以整體產權開發、復合多元運營、度假商務並重、資產全面增值為理念。目前,烏鎮景區主要分為東柵和西柵,兩者採取了差異化經營。具體商業模式創新可分解為: 東柵西柵不同模式,團客散客共享歡樂。烏鎮旅遊區分為"東柵"和"西柵"兩個景點。其中東柵以觀光旅遊為主,重點接待旅遊團體;西柵則重點發展休閒旅遊,側重對中高端遊客的接待。 科學保護古鎮景觀,既得遊客又得民心。烏鎮古鎮以"歷史街區再利用"的先進保護理念,提出了打造可以居住和生活的"古鎮社區"。 遊覽為主多種經營,不似商店勝似商店。烏鎮西柵打破原有的門票經濟,在景區內開設商店、酒店、酒吧、咖啡館等,變單一門票收入為多元渠道創收,有效保持了景區收入的持續快速增長。 網絡科技整合營銷,擴大市場增加消費。創新建立了"大銷售"模式,將景區資源和酒店等整合為一個對外銷售平台,實現了系統性銷售,也使得銷售人員從"景區門票銷售"到"景區產品銷售"理念的轉變。 迪安診斷 獨立平台 整體方案 迪安診斷屬於獨立的第三方醫學診斷服務企業。經過多年的發展,公司現已形成具有迪安特色的"服務+產品"的一體化商業模式,公司不僅可以向各級醫療衛生機構提供醫學診斷服務外包業務,還可以向其提供國內外知名的診斷產品。具體包括: "服務+產品"雙輪驅動的業務模型。根據公司現有的運營基礎,我們認為公司的核心目標應該定位為:體外診斷整體解決方案提供商。到目前為止,代理產品的銷售和診斷服務已經成為了迪安診斷的兩大支柱。其中,代理銷售44%左右,服務56%左右。 檢驗外包、檢驗托管、合作共建等三駕馬車並進。承接來自于醫療機構的外包檢驗業務是目前迪安診斷服務的主要業務來源之一。以托管形式介入運營醫院的檢驗科和實驗室,將其納入到迪安公司的整體平台上來,從而大大提高設備使用率,降低運營成本,縮短出報告的時間,從而實現多方共贏。並與政府或其他醫療機構或組織合作共建第三方醫學檢驗實驗室。 四重支撐和四大特色。簡單地講,迪安的四重支撐主要體現為技術創新、管理創新、成本創新和模式創新四個方面和標準化、集約化、規模化、時效性等四大特色。 海康威視 領安防技術潮流 依托七大核心技術,海康威視將安防技術與IT、互聯網、物聯網、雲計算技術跨界融合,基於不同行業的安防需求特徵,將技術、產品、行業需求三者有機結合,提供定制化的行業解決方案,以此實現客戶對於"安全"的價值訴求。 打通產業技術鏈與產品線,端到端的產品與技術支撐。技術鏈與產品線的全線貫通,使海康威視擁有了"量體裁衣,按需定制"的底氣與能力,可以靈活地根據市場變化和客戶需求推出定制化的解決方案。 量身定制的行業解決方案。隨著行業的發展,用戶對於安防的需求發生了翻天覆地的變化,由初期簡單的監控、記錄,發展為由"安全"這一最終價值訴求所衍生出的一系列需求。只有真正努力瞭解最終用戶所面臨的問題並努力實現的廠商,才能夠在這個行業中實現可觀的銷售額和利潤,以及高速增長的機會。 以行業解決方案為核心的內部支撐體系,並精心打造的合作網絡。在2010年成功上市,並將戰略定位由產品製造商轉向整體解決方案提供商之後,海康威視內部相關的研發體系、營銷體系、技術支持體系、部門設置和信息化管理系統就開始圍繞這一戰略定位進行調整。 老娘舅 打造中式快餐王國 作為現代中式快捷餐廳的締造者,老娘舅憑借著順暢的運作體系、規範的管理體系、良好的品牌形象、獨特的企業文化,在消費者和同行中取得了較高的知名度和美譽度。其主要商業模式創新如下: 品質為上,精選原料營養美味。老娘舅自成立初期就堅持對原材料的嚴格把關,在選擇優質供應商的同時設立嚴密的監測流程,老娘舅也因此成為國內首家規範原材料進貨商。並開發出了現有的"營養平衡套餐"。 傻瓜操作,中央廚房持續供餐。老娘舅運用工業化生產思路,自主研發生產加工設備,並取得十多項國家專利,達到了讓產品呈現出美觀美味且最大程度保留產品的營養價值的效果。 模式創變,成全員工引爆成長。老娘舅提出創變店的概念。為解決餐廳占地面積問題,老娘舅將原來幾個獨立設備經改良做成組合式的集成設備。為保證在快速擴張的過程中新開業門店的經營效益,在創變店實施"內部創業合作體系"(簡稱"合作店")。 夢想�航,企業文化凝聚人心。老娘舅的夢想是帶領全體員工一起實現老娘舅的"中式快餐王國"夢。2013年,為實現這一夢想,公司做了未來發展的三個"五年計劃",到第三個五年"精耕中華,展望東南亞"。 思美傳媒 微電影整合營銷 思美傳媒股份有限公司是國內最具規模的廣告公司之一,在鞏固浙江地區市場地位的基礎上,公司逐步開拓全國性廣告市場。其主要商業模式創新體現在: 以微電影為核心的全方位整合營銷服務。思美傳媒股份有限公司擁有整套影視娛樂服務體系的專業團隊,為企業提供以微電影、微劇集為代表產品的全方位內容營銷業務,立足于微電影製作,結合傳統媒體、前沿創意、戶外傳播,硬性軟性植入並進,滿足客戶更多需求,並逐步形成了一個較為完善的微電影產業鏈體系。 基於數據分析技術的五大業務板塊協同創新。思美注重技術投入以提升廣告投放效果,2000年開始購買浙江範圍內的監播數據,逐步擴大至華東乃至全國多個省市,並陸續購買了CTR、CSM、CMMS等系統化的數據平台和分析軟件。在此基礎上,思美設置研發中心對市場、媒體價值、策略和信息化方面進行持續研發和開發。 基於戰略聯盟的新媒體服務。思美傳媒通過建立戰略聯盟進入移動互聯網領域,為客戶提供專業的新媒體服務。儲存倉
Internet cafes in Ohio could be forced to close soon
Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioSept.mini storage 29--COLUMBUS -- COLUMBUS --Internet sweepstakes cafe owners and supporters only have a few days left to collect enough signatures to stall a new Ohio law to shut them down.But lawmakers have pledged to get rid of the cafes and have a back-up bill in place they say will close the businesses, which sell phone cards or other products that enable customers to play slots-like games on computer terminals.Related Photo+ Internet cafes in Ohio could be forced to close soon photo Lisa PowellMega Play, 3964 Linden Ave. Dayton. Internet sweepstakes cafes were the latest illegal game to pop up in Ohio??� young gambling scene, and experts and lawmakers say it won??� be the last.Gambling is illegal in Ohio, per the state Constitution, except for a handful of large, state-regulated games: State-run lottery, charitable gaming, four casinos and horse racing.The exceptions have carved out billions a year in revenues, some of which goes to schools, local governments and law enforcement and charities.But lawmakers, urged on by law enforcement and the state attorney general, decided Internet sweepstakes cafes don??� belong among Ohio??� games. Earlier this year, they enacted House Bill 7 to limit prize payouts to less than $10 and authorize the attorney general and Bureau of Criminal Investigation to raid cafes suspected of breaking the law.Cafe owners, who lure customers with the promise of big jackpots, say the limits would force them to close their doors. Owners are fighting back, gathering signatures for a referendum on the bill. But their efforts might be for naught, as lawmakers move forward a second bill that attempts to close cafes by limiting the percent of gross receipts a business can make from sweepstakes promotions.The plight of Internet cafes shows Ohio's patchwork gaming laws leave room for new gambling operations and lawmakers are inclined to take creative routes to shutting them down. LISA POWELL /STAFFLisa PowellMega Play, 3964 Linden Ave. Dayton. Internet sweepstakes cafes were the latest illegal game to pop up in Ohio??� young gambling scene, and experts and lawmakers say it won??� be the last.Gambling is illegal in Ohio, per the state Constitution, except for a handful of large, state-regulated games: State-run lottery, charitable gaming, four casinos and horse racing.The exceptions have carved out billions a year in revenues, some of which goes to schools, local governments and law enforcement and charities.But lawmakers, urged on by law enforcement and the state attorney general, decided Internet sweepstakes cafes don??� belong among Ohio??� games. Earlier this year, they enacted House Bill 7 to limit prize payouts to less than $10 and authorize the attorney general and Bureau of Criminal Investigation to raid cafes suspected of breaking the law.Cafe owners, who lure customers with the promise of big jackpots, say the limits would force them to close their doors. Owners are fighting back, gathering signatures for a referendum on the bill. But their efforts might be for naught, as lawmakers move forward a second bill that attempts to close cafes by limiting the percent of gross receipts a business can make from sweepstakes promotions.The plight of Internet cafes shows Ohio's patchwork gaming laws leave room for new gambling operations and lawmakers are inclined to take creative routes to shutting them down. LISA POWELL /STAFF?Sweepstakes cafes were the latest enterprise to pop up in Ohio's young gambling scene, and lawmakers and experts say it won't be the last. The plight of Internet cafes exposed loopholes in state law and some lawmakers say it's time for a comprehensive review.Gambling is illegal in Ohio, per the state Constitution, except for a handful of games: State-run lottery, charitable gaming, four land-based casinos and horse racing. The exceptions have generated billions each year in revenues, some of which goes to schools, local governments and law enforcement and charities.Lawmakers, urged on by law enforcement and the state attorney general, decided Internet sweepstakes cafes don't belong among Ohio's games. Earlier this year, they enacted House Bill 7 to limit prize payouts to less than $10 and authorize the attorney general and Bureau of Criminal Investigation to raid cafes suspected of breaking the law.Related Photo+ Internet cafes in Ohio could be forced to close soon photo Lisa PowellThe Spin-In-Win Internet Cafe, 3958 Linden Ave. is located two doors down from Mega Play, 3964 Linden Ave. Dayton Internet sweepstakes cafes were the latest illegal game to pop up in Ohio??� young gambling scene, and experts and lawmakers say it won??� be the last.Gambling is illegal in Ohio, per the state Constitution, except for a handful of large, state-regulated games: State-run lottery, charitable gaming, four casinos and horse racing.The exceptions have carved out billions a year in revenues, some of which goes to schools, local governments and law enforcement and charities.But lawmakers, urged on by law enforcement and the state attorney general, decided Internet sweepstakes cafes don??� belong among Ohio??� games. Earlier this year, they enacted House Bill 7 to limit prize payouts to less than $10 and authorize the attorney general and Bureau of Criminal Investigation to raid cafes suspected of breaking the law.Cafe owners, who lure customers with the promise of big jackpots, say the limits would force them to close their doors. Owners are fighting back, gathering signatures for a referendum on the bill. But their efforts might be for naught, as lawmakers move forward a second bill that attempts to close cafes by limiting the percent of gross receipts a business can make from sweepstakes promotions.The plight of Internet cafes shows Ohio's patchwork gaming laws leave room for new gambling operations and lawmakers are inclined to take creative routes to shutting them down. LISA POWELL /STAFFLisa PowellThe Spin-In-Win Internet Cafe, 3958 Linden Ave. is located two doors down from Mega Play, 3964 Linden Ave. Dayton Internet sweepstakes cafes were the latest illegal game to pop up in Ohio??� young gambling scene, and experts and lawmakers say it won??� be the last.Gambling is illegal in Ohio, per the state Constitution, except for a handful of large, state-regulated games: State-run lottery, charitable gaming, four casinos and horse racing.The exceptions have carved out billions a year in revenues, some of which goes to schools, local governments and law enforcement and charities.But lawmakers, urged on by law enforcement and the state attorney general, decided Internet sweepstakes cafes don??� belong among Ohio??� games. Earlier this year, they enacted House Bill 7 to limit prize payouts to less than $10 and authorize the attorney general and Bureau of Criminal Investigation to raid cafes suspected of breaking the law.Cafe owners, who lure customers with the promise of big jackpots, say the limits would force them to close their doors. Owners are fighting back, gathering signatures for a referendum on the bill. But their efforts might be for naught, as lawmakers move forward a second bill that attempts to close cafes by limiting the percent of gross receipts a business can make from sweepstakes promotions.The plight of Internet cafes shows Ohio's patchwork gaming laws leave room for new gambling operations and lawmakers are inclined to take creative routes to shutting them down. LISA POWELL /STAFF?"It will put a lot of people out of work," said Rick Taylor, who manages Spin N Win Inteself storagenet cafes at 2178 N. Gettysburg and 3958 Linden Avenue in Dayton and two in Columbus.Taylor and 20 employees and patrons spent eight hours on Wednesday walking petitions door-to-door in the greater Dayton area gathering signatures to get a referendum on HB 7 on the November 2014 ballot.Patchwork lawThe constitutional exceptions for gambling allow four casinos in Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo and Cincinnati, a state-run lottery, horse racing and bingo for charitable causes.Voters approved adding a lottery in 1973 and charity bingo in 1975. Voters turned down four proposals to legalize casinos -- in 1990, 1996, 2006 and 2008 -- before approving four land casinos in specific locations in 2009 with 53 percent of the vote.Rep. Matt Huffman, R-Lima, who sponsored HB 7 and a similar bill last session, said the voters have spoken, and they have not endorsed Internet sweepstakes cafes. He said sweepstakes cafes don't fit within those parameters and lawmakers are upholding the Ohio Constitution by eradicating them."We didn't know where most of the money was going to for these cafes," Huffman said.Cafes do not report revenues but industry consultants estimate each terminal generates between $1,000 and $5,000.Veterans and fraternal organizations purchased the software in order to compete with sweepstakes cafes. Internet cafe owners say they're being treated unfairly because fraternal organizations own the same machines.But the fraternals are required to contribute some money to charitable causes and report finances to the attorney general, Huffman says."The machines look the same," Huffman said "The good thing is some of the money is going to charity. The bad thing is it's not bingo."Some organizations have installed "electronic raffle" or "electronic bingo" machines that also resemble slot machines. Attorney General Mike DeWine said the machines are illegal but has held off enforcement so lawmakers can decide whether carve out an exception for veterans and fraternal organizations that use them.But Huffman said the law is clear: "You can't have for-profit gambling in Ohio except at four casinos according to the Constitution."Casinos vs. cafesDeWine first targeted Internet cafes in 2011, before Ohio's first casino opened, calling on lawmakers to regulate the businesses. A moratorium on new cafes was passed and cafe owners were asked to register with the state.More than 800 registered, but many did not include the owner's or business name or other information. By 2013, only 339 had registered. In the Miami Valley, nearly 100 cafes registered in 2011, now only 32 are listed.DeWine supported HB 7 and shutting down the cafes, which he said attracted money laundering and other crimes. The bill required cafes to again register with the state during the summer. This time, only 339 signed up.Casinos have been on the offensive, backing a campaign against the cafes and sweepstakes software companies petitioning for a referendum. The casino-backed group hired "educators" that follow petitioners and try to intercept potential petition signers.Ohio's first casino has been open for only 16 months and its last casino opened in March. Initial revenue and jobs numbers haven't lived up to what casinos promised Ohioans during the November 2009 campaign, but gaming expert Alan Silver said casinos can't blame Internet cafes for their woes. Silver, an assistant professor at Ohio University, said the economy and growth of gaming throughout the entire region is hurting Ohio casino revenues.Silver doesn't expect patrons to flood the casinos if Internet cafes close."It's a different type of niche market where you probably have a lot of locals who like to go there," said Silver. "They're not into the glitz and glamor of the full blown casino. They just want to drive down the street or a couple miles to relax or unwind."Cafe owners and patrons say Internet cafes offer a more comfortable setting for people to play games. Cafes tend to set up shop in strip mall storefronts and offer free snacks and nonalcoholic beverages.Silver said the larger problem with Internet cafes is that they're not regulated. Casino slot machines are required, by law, to pay out at least 85 percent of what they take in. Internet cafes do not have to post payouts, their machines aren't inspected and they don't have to report how much patrons spend, win and lose."The whole factor in here is that without background checks, there's no telling what the payouts are." Silver said. "There's no telling what you're going to be getting. In essence, it's a rip-off."Patrons of Dayton's Spin N Win cafes disagreed."People who like to come here and play have their own little corner of the world," said Brenda Moore, 52, of Dayton. "I've seen a lot of people lose. I also just saw a lady win $1,200."Moore said people go to the Internet cafe with $40 to $50 to spend, and they expect to win at least $30 back."Some people double their money. If they can only win $10, they won't be coming back here," Moore said.What's next?Cafe owners, who lure customers with the promise of big jackpots, say the limits would force them to close their doors. Owners are fighting back, gathering signatures for a referendum on the bill.The first batch of signatures fell 71,140 short, and the group has until Oct. 3 to submit more.If enough signatures are deemed valid, House Bill 7 will be put to a vote on the November 2014 ballot. The law would be on hold and cafes could stay open through Election Day. Spending on both sides of the ballot issue could be huge -- casinos spent $47 million in 2009 to convince voters to authorize the casinos.But the effort might be for naught, as lawmakers move forward a second bill that attempts to close cafes by limiting the percent of gross receipts a business can make from sweepstakes promotions.This bill, Senate Bill 141, includes an emergency clause so the law would go into effect immediately and not be subject to referendum.Sen. Bill Coley, R-Liberty Twp., voted against HB 7 and SB 141. Coley said cafes could be shut down by enforcing existing sales tax law. Assuming a 90 percent payout, Coley said, cafes should be paying 73 percent of their revenues in sales tax."We need to keep an open mind for how to deal with this," Coley said. He said it might be time to review how Ohio regulates the different games, maybe create one gaming commission to oversee all of them.Sharon Echols, 53, of Dayton, said Internet cafes like Spin N Win provide entertainment for a lot of people, especially older people."I think there is enough out there for everybody, but the casinos want it all," Echols said. "[Ohioans] voted on the casinos. Why don't we vote on having Internet cafes here."Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? 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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Sept. 29--Truck driver killed in rollover crashA man was killed Friday night when he lost control of a commercial vehicle and was ejected 45 miles west of Jal, State Police said.Richard Morin, 59, of Olney, Texas, was driving north on County Road 89 when he lost control of the 2006 vehicle. Police said he was not wearing his seat belt in the rollover crash, and he died at the scene.Police said excessive speed was likely a factor in the crash, but alcohol was not.APD Oversight Task Force criticizedAn alliance of black organizations, including the NAACP, is upset that there are no Natives, blacks or Asians on the Albuquerque Police Oversight Task Force."People of color have again been left out and disrespected," said Harold Bailey, NAACP president. "These particular ethnic groups are statistics in many incidents involving police shootings and killings."Bailey said he had sent letters to Councilors Brad Winter and Rey Garduno expressing those concerns and asking for time to present them as an agenda item during an upcoming city council meeting. Winter and Garduno didn't immediately return calls for comment.A representative for Councilor Dan Lewis encouraged Bailey and members of the Alliance to attend the next council meeting on Oct. 9 and address the council during the public comment forum.The City Council in early August adopted a resolution appointing an 11-member task force, which is expected to hold town meetings to advise the council on how to remake the Police Oversight Commission.State wants input into wolf programSANTA FE -- The state Game Commission has decided it wants New Mexico to have a seat at the table when it comes to making decisions about the federal government's efforts to reintroduce Mexican gray wolves to the American Southwest.The commission voted recently to direct the state G文件倉me and Fish Department to sign a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as that agency drafts an environmental impact statement for the wolf program.The vote comes two years after the Game and Fish Department officially pulled out of the program. Now, state Game and Fish Director Jim Lane said the department wants to help in the interpretation of scientific data and influence any decisions that will ultimately affect New Mexicans and the state's wildlife resources.Lane contends the federal agency doesn't have a viable recovery plan for the wolves."Their approach puts stakeholders in a predicament of deciding to participate in a process that lacks defined objectives for wolf recovery, or risk sitting on the sidelines and watching the process unfold without the opportunity to provide input," Lane said in a statement issued Friday.Ex-cop indicted in sex assault casesLAS CRUCES -- A former Las Cruces police detective accused of sexually assaulting two young girls has been indicted in both cases.Prosecutors say Michael Garcia, 37, was indicted Thursday and is scheduled to be arraigned Oct. 15.He remains free on a $50,000 secured bond in the first case and a $20,000 secured bond in the second case.Garcia was first arrested Aug. 23 for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenage girl during a student ride-along in his unmarked police car. He was arrested again Sept. 4 for allegedly assaulting another girl who was 10 or 11 years old when the reported offenses occurred between 2004 and 2008.Garcia's lawyer says he doesn't believe his client is guilty.Garcia resigned from the police department on Aug. 27 after 15 years on the force.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
Millcreek solicitor's representation of property owner raises questions
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.迷你倉Sept. 29--Lots of lawyers appear before the Erie County Board of Tax Assessment Appeals.Some lawyers represent property owners trying to get their assessments -- and their property taxes -- reduced.Other lawyers represent taxing authorities, such as school districts and municipalities, trying to get the assessments -- and the property tax revenue -- to stay the same or increase.The representation was unusual for a lawyer who appeared before the Assessment Board in a case that is now headed to trial.The solicitor for Millcreek Township, Evan Adair, argued before the board on behalf of a township property owner, Baldwin Brothers Inc., that wanted its assessment on a condominium and apartment complex cut by more than $1.7 million.That change would result in the loss of about $4,300 in annual tax revenue for Millcreek Township.Adair's one client -- Baldwin Brothers, one of the largest property owners in Erie County -- took a position that would, if successful, negatively affect the finances of another Adair client, Millcreek Township.The Assessment Board in October 2012 rejected Adair's request for a lower assessed value on the 160-unit residential complex, called Vineyard Village, in the 5000 block of Old Zuck Road.Adair is continuing to pursue the case on behalf of Baldwin Brothers and related entities in an appeal he filed in November in Erie County Court. In an order on Sept. 17, Senior Judge Michael E. Dunlavey scheduled a trial for April."I can safely say I have not seen any such representation" like Adair's, said Lee Acquista, the solicitor for the Assessment Board for about 13 years."I am not judging. Evan is a very capable attorney. But I have never seen it where it has been done like that."The chairman of the Millcreek Township Board of Supervisors, Joseph Kujawa, said he is not pleased with Adair's representation of Baldwin Brothers.Responding to questions from the Erie Times-News, he said last week that the arrangement stands because he and the other supervisors first approved of it in the mid-2000s, when Adair took over representation of Baldwin Brothers in another assessment case over Vineyard Village -- a case that extended into the current case."I am not happy about it because it looks like it is a conflict," Kujawa said. "It doesn't look good."Kujawa also said he is satisfied that the township's interests in the case are protected because the Millcreek Township School District is challenging Baldwin Brothers' attempt to lower the assessed value of the property, even if the township is not.The school district's lawyer in the assessment case is Michael Visnosky, of Erie. Adair, as the lawyer for Baldwin Brothers, is opposing Visnosky in the case.A victory for the school district would result in an assessed value that would also benefit Erie County and Millcreek Township, which would base their tax revenue from the Vineyard Village property on the same assessed value.Whatever Visnosky gets for the school district "is going to be more money for the township," Kujawa said. "He will do what is best not just for the school district, but for the county and the township."Adair: no conflictAdair, whose salary as township solicitor is $67,226 a year, said he told the township supervisors of his representation of Baldwin Brothers in the Vineyard Village case.Adair has been the township's solicitor since 1992. He also maintains a private practice at 332 E. Sixth St., in Erie.Adair said his representation is not a conflict because the township has not intervened in the assessment appeal, in which a lawyer on behalf of the township would file a notice to make the township a party to the case.Adair said he has generally advised the township supervisors not to have the township intervene in assessment appeals because the amount of tax revenue at issue is relatively small for the township, particularly compared with the revenue for the Millcreek Township School District. Adair said the school district typically takes a position in assessment appeals, as it has done in the Vineyard Village case."Why add to the number of cooks in the kitch文件倉n?" Adair said.Even without the intervention of the township, he said, the intervention of the school district ensures that the taxpayers' interests are considered."It is not like nobody is looking out for the taxpayers," Adair said. "It is not like anyone is trying to steal from the taxpayers."Adair said the Vineyard Village assessment case is the only one of its kind that he is handling for a property owner.The Millcreek Township School District's lawyer, Visnosky, declined to comment on Adair's representation.An official at Baldwin Brothers, Gregory S. Baldwin, who is a lawyer, has appeared in court with Adair to represent the company in the Vineyard Village assessment case. He did not respond to phone messages seeking comment.Revenue at issueThe current Vineyard Village case started with the Erie County Assessment Bureau. As a result of countywide reassessment, which ended in late 2012, the bureau raised the assessed value of Vineyard Village from $6,042,000 to $8,809,940.The director of the Assessment Bureau, Scott Maas, said he based the value of the property partly on rents and other income at the complex.Baldwin Brothers, represented by Adair, filed an appeal with the Assessment Board. Adair is arguing that the value of the complex is $7.1 million, based on an analysis by local appraiser Robert Glowacki, according to assessment records. The Assessment Board heard the appeal on Oct. 17, rejected it, and kept the value at $8.8 million.Adair then appealed to Erie County Court, where Judge Dunlavey will decide which assessed value is correct: $8.8 million or another amount, such as $7.1 million.The assessed value that Baldwin Brothers wants -- $7.1 million -- would drop the assessed value of $8,809,940 by $1,709,940, according to county assessment records.That reduction would reduce the property taxes of Vineyard Village by a total of $34,462, based on current millage rates. That would break down to a drop in revenue of $21,665 for the Millcreek Township School District, $8,430 for Erie County government and $4,367 for Millcreek Township.Reviewing the representationPennsylvania's Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers prohibit conflicts of interest. One rule states that a conflict exists if "the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client."The rules allow for a number of exceptions that would allow a lawyer to represent two clients despite a conflict, including if "each affected client gives informed consent."In addition to Kujawa, the board chairman, the Millcreek supervisors are Richard Figaski, in office for three years, and Brian McGrath, a supervisor for 18 years.Figaski said the supervisors first approved the arrangement in the first Vineyard Village case when Figaski was not yet a supervisor. He said he believes that Visnosky's involvement in the case will ensure that the final outcome is fair "to all parties."McGrath said he recalled Adair telling the supervisors that he was representing Baldwin Brothers in the case, but said he did not know when that conversation occurred. McGrath said he understands Visnosky and Adair are opposing each other in the case. He said Visnosky's interests are the same as the township's."It is not that we are not being represented," McGrath said. "We are being represented, though not formally, by the school district, which is typically the case (in assessment appeals). That is not unusual."Kujawa, who has been in office for 18 years, said he has been aware of Adair's representation of Baldwin Brothers since the first Vineyard Village assessment case.That case went to Erie County Court in 2002 and ended with a settlement in July 2010. Adair's signature appears twice on the signature page.Adair signed, along with Gregory S. Baldwin, on behalf of Baldwin Brothers. Adair also signed, along with Kujawa, on behalf of Millcreek Township.ED PALATTELLA can be reached at 870-1813 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/ETNpalattella.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
【本報訊】在29日舉行的中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區情況說明會上,儲存中國商務部、國家發展改革委和中國人民銀行等八部委相關負責人介紹了為試驗區設計的配套政策。金融創新、負面清單等成為熱點。金改成熟一項推進一項站在經濟金字塔頂的金融業,在自貿試驗區內如何創新突破,備受各界關注。中國人民銀行上海總部副主任張新說,試驗區內先行先試利率市場化和人民幣資本項目可兌換,將在宏觀審慎框架內,根據實體經濟發展需要,按全國統一部署穩步推進,成熟一項推進一項。上海銀監局局長廖岷介紹了銀監會對自貿試驗區銀行業監管的八項措施,包括支持中外資銀行入區發展經營,鼓勵開展跨境投融資服務,支持區內開展離岸業務,簡化准入方式,完善監管服務體系等。「放寬准入」「擴大開放」無疑是兩大關鍵詞。具體而言,銀監會將研究推進適當縮短區內外資銀行代表處升格為分行,以及外資銀行分行從事人民幣業務的年限要求。外商投資改為備案制證監會對自貿試驗區的支持事項則引發更多想像空間─self storage意上海期貨交易所在試驗區內設立國際能源交易中心股份有限公司,具體推進國際原油期貨交易平台籌建工作,引入境外投資者參與期貨交易;允許符合條件的個人或單位雙向投資境內外市場;允許國內企業境外母公司發行人民幣債券;開展衍生品境外交易等。為推動政府職能轉變,上海自貿試驗區將探索負面清單這種新的經濟管理模式。所謂負面清單,相當於投資領域的「黑名單」,列明企業不能投資的領域和產業。國家發展改革委利用外資和境外投資司司長孔令龍說,對負面清單之外的領域按內外資一致的原則,將外商投資項目由核准制改為備案制。允外企銷售遊戲設備文化部29日亦下發通知,明確了對接中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區總體方案的若干工作細則,允許在試驗區內設立外資經營的演出經紀機構、演出場所經營單位,為上海市提供服務。通知稱,允許在試驗區內設立外資經營的娛樂場所;允許外資企業在試驗區內從事遊戲遊藝設備的生產和銷售,通過文化主管部門內容審查的遊戲遊藝設備可面向國內市場銷售。迷利倉
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香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)現時手機移動應用程式(Apps)大熱,儲存似有無限的商機,不過,10多年前已從事開發流動通訊程式及解決方案的流動通訊(M Tel)(8266),已在考慮未來三至五年市場發展的方向。流動通訊旗下八達網行政總裁黃明威日前接受本報訪問時表示,預計未來幾年Apps市場的競爭將更趨激烈,而該公司將積極研究在數碼媒體裡面多平台的程式開發。他並指出,該公司正將香港的成功模式向台灣和內地拓展,並拓展移動遊戲市場。 02年已加入M Tel的黃明威表示,在香港從事流動通訊程式開發及解決方案10多年能夠生存下來、並將其上市的公司可謂鳳毛麟角,M Tel就是這樣的一家公司。他指,M Tel能夠生存下來,並越做越大,其中一個原因是不斷思考未來市場將發生甚麼。他說,未來一至兩年,在手機這個平台仍是以Apps為主,但這個市場變化太快,競爭將愈趨激烈,公司不能跟在人家屁股後面走,已在思考未來三至五年市場將發生甚麼樣的變化。 黃明威指出,從將來市場的發展來看,Apps儲存倉不過是數碼媒體的一個channel(頻道),數碼媒體會有不同的平台,譬如智能手錶就是一個新平台。為銀行客戶提供整體體驗 至於在商業層面,黃明威認為,目前公司與客戶商談的已不是Apps怎樣做,而是可以為其提供甚麼樣的服務。他說,目前M Tel已為包括渣打、中銀、東亞等10多間本地銀行提供手機應用服務,其服務已不是簡單的Apps,而是為這些銀行客戶提供整體的體驗。以前是每間銀行有一個Apps,現在已發展成為為某一類目標客戶提供一個Apps平台。Apps「電影速遞」拓台灣 經過10多年的辛苦耕耘,目前M Tel在香港手機移動應用程式市場已闖出一片天,下一步會將香港的成功模式向台灣和內地拓展。譬如M Tel自家的Apps「電影速遞」,曾於今年香港資訊及通訊科技獎頒獎禮上獲得「最佳生活時尚獎」金獎,有關程式將向台灣拓展。黃明威續稱,內地方面,目前M Tel已在廣州設立一間公司,並有一個團隊拓展市場。他說,內地市場很大,但競爭非常激烈,可能只有一次機會,只可成功,不可失敗。迷你倉最平
銀行入滬自貿區 銀監提8支援
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳遠威)上海自貿區昨日正式掛牌,self storage中銀監同日就該區發布銀行業監管有關問題通知,提出8項支援項目,以明確區內銀行業監管相關細節,其中包括支持中資及外資銀行入區發展,以及支持合條件民營資本在區內設立民營銀行。8家中資銀行、2家外資銀行以及1家金融租賃成為首批獲准入區設立支行的金融機構。 中銀監指出,支持中資行入區發展,並允許將區內現有銀行網點升格為分行或支行。在區內增設或升格的銀行分支機構不受年度新增網點計劃限制。允許符合條件的中資行在區內開展離岸銀行業務。允區內外資行支行升格為分行 此外,支持外資銀行入區經營,允許符合條件的外資行設立子行、分行、專營機構及中外合資銀行。允許區內外資行支行升格為分行。研究推進適當縮短區內外資銀行代表處升格為分行、以及外資銀行分行從事人民幣業務的年限要求。同時,中銀監表示,支持符合條件的民營資本在區內設立自擔風險的民營銀行、金融租賃公司和消費金融公司等金融機構。支持符合條件的民營資本參股與中、外資金融機構在區內設立中外合資銀行。 此外,中銀監支持區內設立非銀行金融公司mini storage包括符合條件的大型企業集團設立企業集團財務公司;符合條件的發起人申設汽車金融及消費金融公司;上海轄內信託公司遷址區內發展;全國性金融資產管理公司在區內設立分公司;金融租賃公司在區內設立專業子公司,首家獲准公司為交行旗下交銀金融租賃。支持銀行業發展跨境融資業務 另外,中銀監支持區內銀行業發展跨境融資業務,包括但不限於大宗商品貿易融資、全供應鏈貿易融資、離岸船舶融資、現代服務業金融支持、外保內貸、商業票據等;並支持跨境併購貸款和項目貸款、內保外貸、跨境資產管理和財富管理業務、房地產信託投資基金等,讓有關金融機構推進跨境投資金融服務。 中銀監表示,會簡化准入方式,區內銀行分行級以下機構、高管和部分業務准入事項,由事前審批改為事後報告。設立區內銀行業准入事項綠色快速通道並建立准入事項限時辦理制度。探索完善符合區內銀行業風險特徵的監控指標,優化調整存貸比、流動性等指標的計算口徑和監管要求,完善監管服務體系。 另外,中國證監會表示,支持自貿區合條件機構個人雙向投資境內外市場;中國保監會也稱,支持上海自貿區保險機構開展境外投資試點。迷你倉
內地於上周五下午公佈上海自由貿易試驗區總體方案,儲存內地股市先跌後回升,安碩A50中國(2823)收市仍偏軟,收報9.87元,跌約0.2%,連續第五個交易日向下,即市觀察有資金流入安碩A50認購證,相關窩輪成交增3%至1.8億元。值得留意的是,內地長假期將至,10月1日至7日為內地黃金周假期,於假期前持續有資金流入安碩A50相關好倉,於截至上周四止的過去五日,安碩A50好倉累計共錄得3,440元資金流入,是第二大資金流入相關資產,僅次於�指淡倉。 安碩A50認購證23649上周五收報0.048元,無升跌,其行使價11.62元,2014年10月到期,實際槓桿約6.3倍,引伸波幅約27.3%。 另外,安碩A50認沽證26145上周五收報0.118元,升1.7%,其行使價10.16元,2014年6月到期,實際槓桿約4.4倍,引伸波幅約27mini storage5%。本結構性產品並無抵押品。本文由渣打銀行(香港)有限公司之僱員撰寫,其並無持有上述股份。本文不構成任何買賣結構性產品之要約、建議或招攬。其為推廣目的而編制,並非獨立研究。結構性產品的價格可急升急跌,投資者可完全損失其投資。過往表現並不反映將來表現。可贖回牛/熊證具有強制贖回特點,可能被提早終止而導致:(i)N類可贖回牛/熊證的投資者將不會收到任何現金付款;(ii)R類可贖回牛/熊證的剩餘價值可能為零。投資前請參閱上市文件,作出風險評估及尋求專業意見。載列條款及細則之上市文件可於香港中環金融街8號國際金融中心第二期15樓查閱。渣打證券(香港)有限公司可能為結構性產品之唯一流通量提供者。Standard Chartered plc為集團之最終控股公司。本產品並無抵押品。如發行人無力償債或違約,投資者可能無法收回部份或全部應收款項(如有)。self storage
☉記者 顏劍 ○編輯 李劍鋒 昨日,儲存倉上海銀監局局長廖岷在中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區情況說明會上,宣讀了銀監會《關於中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區銀行業監管有關問題的通知》,該文件主要涉及8條政策,其中涉及機構准入4條、業務准入2條、監管體系2條。涉及機構准入方面,包括支持中資銀行入區發展;支持區內設立非銀行金融公司;支持外資銀行入區經營;支持民間資本進入區內銀行業。業務准入方面,鼓勵開展跨境投融資服務,以及允許符合條件的中資銀行在區內開展離岸銀行業務。監管方面,簡化了准入方式和完善監管服務體系。值得注意的是,在完善監管服務體系方面,銀監會提出將支持探索建立符合區內銀行業實際的相對獨立的銀行業監管體制,貼近市場提供監管服務,有效防控風險。建立健全區內銀行業特色監測報表體系,探索完迷你倉最平符合區內銀行業風險特徵的監控指標。優化調整存貸比、流動性等指標的計算口徑和監管要求。廖岷表示,區內銀行業金融機構是在更加開放的環境下進行展業,風險管控的任務更艱巨。因而,他們首先應該滿足銀監會現有所有審慎風險監管要求。在此基礎之上,監管層正在努力研究對監管制度進行創新,以前瞻性地建立一些符合銀行業和實體經濟相適應的相對獨立的銀行業監管架構。他表示,將會對存貸比、流動性風險監管指標根據區內機構展業的實際情況進行調整。還會建立針對自貿試驗區內銀行業金融活動相適應的特色監測報表體系,同時對於這些報表的內容、報送的頻率和監測的頻度都會做適當的安排和調整,以此更好地推動區內的商業銀行做好風險管理。有消息人士透露,監管體制創新將是銀行業監管部門在自貿區金融改革開放下一階段重點關注的領域。儲存
巴塞爾委員會評定認為 中國資本監管整體框架合規
本報日內瓦電 記者陳建報道: 巴塞爾銀行監管委員會日前發佈報告稱,儲存 中國嚴格遵守"巴塞爾協議III" 設定的全球標準, 中國資本監管整體框架 "合規"。該委員會還說, 中國表現出致力于執行 "巴塞爾協議III" 的決心。根據這份報告, 中國有關巴塞爾資本監管框架的執行情況同 "巴塞爾協議III" 中的全球標準基本吻合。在14個評估項目中, 有12個被評為 "合規", 2個被評為 "基本合規"。因此, 巴塞爾委員會決定將中國資本監管整體框架評為 "合規"。這項評估報告是巴塞爾委員會繼歐盟、 日本、self storage加坡、 瑞士和美國評估報告之後公佈的第六份報告。據悉, 對中國國內資本管理制度的評估是該委員會監管一致性評估項目的一部分。評估小組與中國銀行業監督管理委員會的官員展開了討論, 並與中國人民銀行、 選定的若干家總部位於中國商業銀行和審計公司高層代表進行了面談。2010年12月, 巴塞爾委員會正式發佈了1988年通過的 "巴塞爾協議" 第三版, 並且明確從2013年起實施, 2018年底達標。該委員會目前還在對巴西和澳大利亞執行 "巴塞爾協議III" 資本標準的情況進行評估, 並即將對加拿大展開評估。迷利倉
Finding a business model to smooth over rocky financing
Gem sellers need better financial aid to cope with return of the tough timesBy Hu Yongqi in KunmingAn entrepreneur in Yunnan province is trying to set up a new business model for the "typically unpredictable industry".mini storageYunnan Menggong Jade Co Ltd is looking for support from banks to set up a new system to evaluate raw stones and manufactured jade goods, and to provide loans to businesspeople in urgent need of cash.The system, which will be established in three years, should reduce the risk of rising costs for jade stones.Headquartered in Wanding, a border town in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture, Menggong Jade has more than 400 stores around the country. Its president, Yang Ziwen, has accumulated assets worth 2.1 billion yuan ($343 million, 254 million euros) through 18 years of careful management.The jade industry has long been notorious for high taxation. The bidders have to pay 33 to 37 percent in tax to buy raw stones at the Myanmar Jade, Gem & Pearl Emporium, usually held in March every year in Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of Myanmar.When the buyers take the stones across the border into China, they have to pay another 33 percent tax to the Chinese customs authorities, says Zhang Bo, manager of the Kunming branch of Yunnan Menggong Jade.Before the jade items are sold to people in China, another duty of 17 percent on value added will be levied by the government. In other words, the stone or jade products will cost significantly more than the original price in Myanmar, not to mention sculpting and other costs. Therefore, jade businessmen must ensure a secure capital chain, or they might go bankrupt if one transaction fails to make enough profit.In 2009-10, more than 20 billion yuan swarmed into the Myanmar jade market for raw stones and substantially drove up manufacturing prices. A stone estimated to sell for 5 million yuan finally sold for 5.5 million yuan, because the speculators didn't care about the price. They needed to push it up to obtain their expected profits, says Zhang.Yang realized that most of the 5,000 jade factories and stores in Yunnan wouldn't want to cooperate to expand the industry. They prefer to operate by themselves."At the beginning, some retailers were really exhilarated by the rising prices, because they were selling goods they'd bought when they were much cheaper," Zhang says."However, when all the stored products sold out, they found that jade stones were no longer affordable. If they wanted to continue in the business, they had to borrow money from banks or pawn shops."Traditionally, jade and gems couldn't be pawned because they could be damaged easily. In addition, experts varied in their estimations of the value of jade pieces. Therefore, no one had the courage to take a jade item as security for a loan of thousands of yuan.Yang understands the significance of good finance for the jade business because he started trading in a shabby shop with 迷你倉,000 yuan borrowed from friends and relatives.Stone gambling, or speculating in gems, was a crazy business for many people in those circles. In 2002, Yang bid 800,000 yuan for a stone, but his heart was crushed when he made the first cut into it and saw that it was of poor quality.Yang, a "suburban man" with limited experience of the jade trade, insisted on making another cut. Finally, he was delighted to discover that he would be able to make a bracelet from the stone. That bracelet was valued at 58 million yuan and is now kept in a special collection box at his headquarters in Wanding."No one has tried to financially support other jade traders, but we are the first ones to have the courage to try to do it," Zhang says.He is confident the system will be set up within three years and that by then other businessmen will be happy to cooperate with Menggong Jade.The credibility of dealers might be another core topic for the new system because average people cannot evaluate jade. Zhang says his company promises to replace any items purchased in its stores."In many cases, jade will not be replaced or returned once the buyer steps out of the store. However, we believe in the quality of our products and have kept that promise," he says.Until 2006, a jade item sold for more than 10,000 yuan was considered expensive and many jade traders questioned Menggong's replacement policy because they thought it might cut their profit margins. However, the policy has been in use for 11 years and traders and buyers across the country are well aware of it.Recently, Yang has been busy negotiating with banks in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan. He said the discussions went smoothly."The jade industry booms in a rising economy and wanes before a slowdown," Yang says. "Therefore, few banks want to lend directly to jade traders because of the risks. Our advantages are our valuation system and the credit accumulated from years in the business. Therefore, we should be able to bridge the banks and other traders who need money."The new system will spread the risks and also generate profits for Menggong."For example, if a jade item is valued at 8 million yuan, we could keep it and lend 2 million yuan in cash to the owner at a certain interest rate," says Zhang. "Meanwhile, the owner could also set a floor price for the item and we would sell it at a higher charge, if possible. In this approach, the owner would have adequate funds to trade for new products and we could earn commission."Yunnan's jade traders could learn from their counterparts in Jieyang, in Guangdong province. Those traders collaborate to compete against provinces in a bigger business scene, says Yang."To end the situation where each jade trader works on his own, we need more finance to support the expansion of the industry in Yunnan. By this means, a strong and risk-resistant business can be fostered."Li Yingqing and Guo Anfeicontributed to the story.文件倉
2013年9月28日 星期六
隨身無線分享器 千元有找 一機多用變身行動電源 即插即用暢遊網海
【吳秀樺╱台北報導】智慧型手機與平板電腦等手持式裝置正流行,mini storage但礙於3G頻寬不足或更多隨身攜帶的設備要同時上網,有賴無線分享器來助一臂之力。由於可攜式隨身無線分享器價格多在1000元以下,成為上網必Buy發燒品。 根據Yahoo奇摩購物中心產品經理林盟栓指出,可攜式無線分享器具有即插即用、免設定的功能,只要插上網路線,就能讓有線變無線,讓智慧型手機與平板隨時暢遊網海不卡卡。而可攜式無線分享器除具備分享無線網路,市面上有些業者已採用內建電源方式,將可攜式無線分享器變成行動電源,可直接充電跟供電,同時能外接USB隨身碟,直接變身遠端雲,讓資料可以快速分享給其他好友,又不佔手機的儲存空間,相當便利。 外接USB變遠端雲 林盟栓說,目前售價500~600元的可攜式無線分享器最受歡迎,例如D-LINK-雲旅機、多功能迷你無線路由器DIR-505,由於功能多、好攜帶,並且支援多種無線模式切換,是相當熱銷的商品。可攜式無線分享器通常具備快速切換鍵,可快速使用路由器╱基地台(AP),無線訊號延伸(Repeater Mode)與Wi-Fi熱點分享模式(WISP)多種模式,而且利用智慧型設備,就可以快速連線進行影片播放,多人分享、娛樂一機就可搞定,萬一空間不足,還可利用其擴充智慧型手機的儲存空間。 SAPIDO 500有找 SAPIDO超微型隨身無線分享器BRE70n,則是市場同款產品超值,售價只要499元。另外,D-Link雲享機迷你倉11N口袋型迷你無線分享器DIR-506L,則是可提供無線訊號給多台設備同時上網,同時還具有無線上網與手機充電,一機兩用的功能,售價為999元。若環境已經有一台無線IP分享器,但是它的無線訊號涵蓋的範圍不夠廣時,會讓無線上網裝置收不到訊號,網路設備廠友訊指出,可攜式無線分享器,除了可將有線變成無線之外,無線中繼模式還能讓無線上網裝置使用的位置,不用再侷限於原來的無線IP分享器附近,十分的方便。若消費者已有3G╱4G網卡或網路服務,只要插入可攜式無線分享器的USB埠,不論在何處,都可利用可攜式無線分享器,隨時將無線網路給親朋好友。 雙頻功能避免干擾 此外,友訊指出,未來網路設備業者還將推出可外接USB攝影機,成為穿戴式的網路攝影機,個人的旅遊或是小朋友的成長過程,都可輕鬆隨意的與遠親近鄰輕鬆分享,甚至可直接將穿戴式攝影機的影像,直接錄製在可攜式無線分享器的記憶卡中,讓可攜式無線分享器不只是可攜式無線分享器,還可變身為生活點滴記錄器。至於消費會可能會擔心,除了無線基地台之外,目前包括藍牙與微波爐等市面上無線干擾問題,友訊建議,如果真的想要避免2.4GHz的無線干擾問題,建議可以選購具備雙頻5GHz或是802.11ac的可攜式無線分享器,可以自由切換5GHz的頻段減少干擾,就可提更無線效能,非常方便使用。 【6款隨身無線分享器比較】 註:同商品會因各通路贈品不同致價格有所差異,本表售價僅供參考,實際售價以各通路門市標示為準文件倉
Social media's window on the animal kingdom
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerSept.儲存 28--Nature-watching -- an outsider's hobby, right?Geese crisscross the sky, eagles nest all over Pennsylvania and New Jersey, hawks and falcons are on their way, and elk whistle ghostly in Benezette.But birders, hunters, conservationists, and animal enthusiasts of all furs are also turning to Twitter, Facebook, blogs, apps, and a proliferation of "hawk cams" and "eagle cams" to get their beast on. Here, as in so many realms of human life, social media help people build communities around shared interests.Since 2009, the "Hawk Cam" website at the Franklin Institute has opened a window onto the bedroom lives of hawks and their babies during the February-June breeding season. "It's phenomenal," says Karen Elinich, director of science content and learning technologies at the institute. "Every year, we see a surge of new visitors to the site. It's a virtual community." There's a club called the Franklin Hawkaholics, more than 2,300 strong, with its own Facebook page, on which members post announcements, photos, and discussions. There are blogs with name like Hawkwatch. Many a science class, many a school project in our area, begins with a cam visit.Twitter and Facebook are no substitute for getting out into nature, says Eric Stiles, CEO of New Jersey Audubon. "But if your goal is to connect people to nature and its conservation," he says, "you have to use social media to engage them and get them to the next level." Which, for nonprofits like New Jersey Audubon, means activism and monetary support.David Mizrahi, vice president for research, works with the center's Citizen Science project. He studies the migration patterns of the semipalmated sandpiper. Researchers go to Brazil, Suriname, and the Delaware Bay, fitting tiny geolocators on the birds so his team (and fans of their research) can see where the birds go."We post photos on our Facebook page of what we're doing," Mizrahi says. "It helps people connect with our work. People like that immediacy. And the visual is worth way more than the word." Links on the page guide the curious to more detailed studies and information.Twice now, "we've found a bird from Brazil breeding in Alaska," Mizrahi says. "That's a 25,000-kilometer round-trip for a bird that weighs less than an ounce. These are real learning moments for us, and for people following us."Social media "definitely makes it easier for people to connect with migratory birds," says Laurie Goodrich, a senior monitoring biologist at the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, Pa. "People put tracking instruments on peregrine falcons and eagles, and there are a lot of websites you can vmini storagesit to see where they're going."Picking up the theme of citizen science, Goodrich says, "We get to see this feedback loop, where visitors -- citizen naturalists -- send us e-mails or photos about the wildlife. We've learned, for example, where there are snakes on the trails. Sometimes a videographer will see things we didn't know about, and that becomes part of the record."You may have heard eagles are staging a comeback around here, with more than 250 bald eagle nesting sites in Pennsylvania, and more than 100 nesting eagle pairs in New Jersey. This is a 30-year anniversary of sorts for eagle restoration in Pennsylvania.Social media and citizen scientists have played a role even here. Brittany Howell, communication specialist at the Pennsylvania Game Commission, writes by e-mail that "not only were we able to post information on social media about bald eagles, but we also received observations from people who had seen bald eagle nests or nesting behavior in their neighborhoods. This helps our biologists to determine the number of active bald eagle nesting sites in the state." The commission is on a state tour with a film about its efforts to bring the eagles back.Apps abound, apps for the hunter to locate animals, apps for the birder to anticipate "good flights," apps, as we've seen, to track sightings and migration.Mary Linkevitch, director of communication and grants at Hawk Mountain, says, "Birders love social media. It's great when we're able to post, 'The winds are great' or 'A cold front's coming through and we expect a good flight tomorrow.' We always see a surge of visitors the next day. When they go home, they post comments on our website -- or complaints if they didn't see any birds." Howell says, "There's a very dedicated following for the Waterfowl Migration Update website, which tracks the snow goose sightings at Middle Creek."In March, an eagle cam at Duke Farms of Hillsborough, N.J., caught a sequence that went viral, attracting almost 140,000 views on YouTube. A hungry hawk trying for a lunch of eagle chicks is intercepted by the nesting parent, which, lightning-quick, overpowers the intruder, and, with gruesome efficiency, dresses the fresh kill for the kiddies' dinner.Nature, red in tooth and claw. But also an education. Compelling viewing. It lets us know how things work. Seeing it makes you want to protect it."These media," Stiles says, "can give people what they need to have -- a sense of involvement, of ownership."jt@phillynews.com215-854-4406 @jtimpaneCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
西灣湖奪命車禍 警尋目擊證人 私家車撞斃六旬鐵騎士
【特訊】昨日下午何鴻燊博士大馬路近消防局總部暨西灣湖行動站附近發生嚴重交通意外,儲存一名女子駕駛私家車期間疑撞倒一輛電單車,導致電單車男性駕駛者頭部重傷。消防員第一時間將男傷者送往山頂醫院搶救,及後證實不治。警方目前呼籲目擊者提供資料。 死者姓陳,男性,60歲,本澳居民,物業管理員。肇事私家車司機姓陳,女性,29歲,本澳居民,報稱文員。據消防局消息,消防局於9月27日下午3時正收到消息,消防局總部暨西灣湖行動站對出馬路(何鴻燊博士大馬路往旅遊塔方向與西灣街交�處)發生交通意外,一輛私家車撞上一輛重型電單車。當時有消防員聽到撞車聲音,發現電單車男性駕駛者受self storage倒地,隨即通知上級從西灣湖行動站出動救護車到場,在短時間內將他送往山頂醫院進行搶救。消防救護員當時發現他頭部傷勢嚴重,心跳與呼吸微弱,隨即在救護車前往山頂醫院途中,通知院方為其準備開「R房」(Resuscitation,急救房)。同時消防局亦通知治安警察局跟進事故。其後警方證實肇事駕駛者為陳姓女子,她通過酒精測試;而電單車駕駛者為陳姓男子。 直至昨晚6時許,治安警察局公佈山頂醫院證實重傷的電單車駕駛者(陳姓男子)已經死亡。治安警隨即就作出呼籲,希望有關事故發生經過之目擊者,或能提供對該案件有關任何資料之人士,可致電:28374214,與交通廳值日官聯絡。迷你倉
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/ 省教育考試院公佈2014年藝體類專業招生簡章 華西都市報訊(記者張菲菲)昨日,迷你倉四川省教育考試院在其官方網站公佈了我省2014年普通高等學校美術類專業、音樂類專業、體育類專業、表演編導類專業招生簡章。規定考生需在2013年10月11日進行網上文化考試報名。值得注意的是,報名時間比往年提前了半個月。 報考2014年普通高校藝術、體育類(含運動訓練及民族傳統體育)專業的考生,均須網上報名。考生于2013年10月11日8:00至14日18:00,登錄各市州招辦指定的報名網址進行網上文化考試報名。 網報成功後,于2013年10月14日至18日17:00,持本人第二代《身份證》到戶口所在地的縣(市、區)招辦儲存倉網上報名的基礎信息進行現場確認。考生經所在縣(市、區)招辦報名資格和基礎信息核實無誤後,由縣(市、區)招考辦進行現場數碼照相登記,並簽發《四川省2014年普通高等學校藝術體育類專業招生報考證》(以下簡稱《報考證》)。 完成現場確認的考生,于2013年10月22日8:00至24日18:00登錄報名網址進行藝體類文化考試網上繳費。未辦理藝體類文考報名和繳費手續的考生,不得參加藝體類專業報名考試及錄取,遺留問題由考生負責。 取得2014年藝體類《報考證》的考生,于2013年11月1日8:00至6日18:00自行登錄四川省教育考試院網站:http://.sceea.cn,按網站上的提示和要求,完成專業考試的網上報名、繳費。未在網上辦理專業考試報名和繳費手續的考生,不得參加專業考試。迷你倉最平
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自存倉 臨港現代都市產業園規劃面積4.1平方公里,從去年年底�動建設,目前已有10個龍頭項目進入規劃建設階段。北滘將以中國·慧聰家電城、加利源項目為牽引,全面推進DPC、機靈風扇三舊改造項目、美的銷售總部、新交通中心及相關服務性項目,並注入電子商務、會展、物流等生產性服務業豐富產業形態,帶動105國道以東區域轉型提升。在這個過程中,北滘將推進新交通中心、廣教社區有機改造、濱水旅遊及工業體驗旅遊等配套項目,完善廣廈花園和公共配套設施建設,打造"產業轉型示範區"和"都市型產業集聚區"。mini storage
全國版) - (昆山高新區黨工委副書記、管委會副主任杜立新: “沒有永遠的產業只有永遠的城”
□"高新區好比是家里的小兒子,自存倉就是要好好讀書,誓當狀元。將來重振家園的重任就落在小兒子身上,昆山大家庭的產業結構、發展模式的轉型升級希望寄托在這裡。"□"要讓城市永葆青春,那麼就必須順應經濟發展規律,賦予產業新內涵。對一個區域來講,沒有永遠的產業,只可能會有永遠的城市。""讓小兒子振興家園"南方日報:"江蘇四小龍"之一的昆山近幾年發展迅猛,在風頭上超過了曾經的"廣東四小龍"。你覺得主要原因在哪裡?杜立新:一些地方由於行政區劃調整的緣故,由原來的市轉變成區。昆山還是保持一個傳統意義上的縣(市)。此前,地處上海西北部的嘉定撤市變成上海市轄區後,發展速度慢下來,在2006年後落後于昆山的發展水平。我跟嘉定的領導們分析原因,嘉定變成上海市轄區之後,在上海市規劃設計上是一個特殊的功能區,而昆山還是市,則相對於獨立,發展的衝動要比撤市成區的區域強,發展的支配能力、控制能力也比較高。上海市是一個操作機構,對嘉定的發展是指揮與調控。而江蘇省是協調機構,江蘇省委、省政府是不會來設計你昆山發展的,它只會鼓勵昆山發展。江蘇省發展一條非常成功經驗,就是充分尊重基層的創造性及積極性。然而,哪一種發展模式更好,這是不一定的。如果依照上海市的總規劃,嘉定在產業、城市的定位上明確,並能融入全局發展,說不定經過一段時間後,其發展的後續能力或許也會比昆山快。南方日報:我們注意到昆山的板塊經濟發展路徑,從昆山來講,高新區這個板塊,承載著什麼樣的夢想?杜立新:昆山城市主要是三大板塊,即是昆山經濟開發區、昆山高新區與花橋國際商務城。昆山經濟開發區是長子,花橋經濟開發區是女兒,高新區就是小兒子。長子做什麼,拼命工作,賺錢供養家庭,照料弟妹;女兒做什麼,女兒富養,養得"漂亮",嫁入"豪門",即是定位融入上海,與上海產業要互動。小兒子就是好好讀書,誓當狀元,即後發之秀,主攻新興產業,將來重振家園的重任就落在小兒子身上,昆山大家庭的產業結構、發展模式的轉型升級希望寄托在這裡。科技產業要跟著"腦子"跑南方日報:昆山高新區作為發展高新技術產業的載體,如何推進新型城鎮化?杜立新:昆山的城市發展是比較有特色的,就是板塊經濟,並且進行區鎮合一。高新區是作為科技產業、新興產業的載體,這些產業與傳統產業有本質不同,傳統產業生產要素是跟著投資跑的,科技產業的生產要素是跟著腦子跑的。把科技產業與傳統產業的區別搞清楚了,那麼它在培育模式、開發模式、推動模式上就是不一樣了。傳統產業的發展模式"先開發後生活",即先把項目引進,工廠建起來,相應的水電配套拉過去,發現沒有學校、沒有商店,再搞配套,資源要素在這裡聚集,越往後發展,發現這個地方第三產業越來越紅火,工廠項目不適合在這裡生存,再把工廠項目搬遷出去。科技產業是需要先生活後開發的。新型城鎮化,不應該像以前那樣簡單地建一個承載生產的孤島式的開發區,而是要把開發區當成一個城市來經營。到國外科技產業集群區硅穀等地方去看看,高端科技產業mini storage高端人才,為何到這個地方,原因是它們先打造了適合這樣產業生存的大環境。因而,我們在這裡造好優美環境,將優勢文化、體育資源、高校、工程院等資源都放在高新區,自然能引來"金鳳凰"。讓城市更有特色更有溫度南方日報:我們觀察到,在中國百強縣的排名上,城市之間不斷更替,你覺得如何讓一座城市擁有持續的生命力?杜立新:新型城鎮化,一定不是簡單地城市擴張、資源聚集、房屋建造。具有旺盛發展生命動力、經濟發展源動力的城市,才有好的未來。我們也要看到,昆山的IT產業,雖然目前發展還是熱火朝天,但產業峰值已開始過了,要讓城市永葆青春,那麼就必須順應經濟發展規律,賦予產業新內涵。對一個區域來講,沒有永遠的產業,只可能會有永遠的城市。昆山一直非常警覺。觀察中國百強縣的排名,真正是各領風騷三五年。我做過統計,基本上不會超過五年時間。最早是無錫、江陰、南海、順德、張家港,再到昆山,昆山居全國百強縣之首時間最長,達到八年之久。除了一些典型的旅遊城市可能永葆青春,因為旅遊是永遠不竭的產業。要做永遠的城市就需要靠你根據經濟發展的規律不斷地順應它、調整它、提升它、轉變它,這樣才有可能煥發第二青春、第三青春,甚至青春永駐。其實我們的城市化步伐走得應該更慢一些,讓城市建得更有特色,更有溫度。巴塞羅那聖家族大教堂建了兩百多年,還沒建好,可能還需要上百年甚至更久遠的時間,這是一座未完工的建築物,卻是世界上最著名的景點之一。我們以前追求快,沒特別注意城市建築的韻味,現在我們有這樣的能力了,每新建的一條路、一座橋,結合歷史與現代,細細琢磨,好好設計,擬一個有韻味的名字,來一段故事,賦予城市建築更多的生命藝術。■昆山高新區簡介昆山高新區是全國第一個設立在縣級市的國家高新區。2010年9月經國務院批准成為國家級高新技術產業開發區。根據規劃,"十二五"期末,昆山高新區將實現GDP1300億元,財政總收入180億元,工業總產值3500億元,全社會研發投入占比4%以上,科技投入占比10%以上,新興產業產值占比45%以上,高新技術產業產值占比60%以上,形成一批百億元級甚至千億元級的產業集群,成為國內一流、長三角領先,具有國際影響力的現代化科技生態新城。■微議@瀚思工作室:上海嘉青松地區反而相對落後,蘇州、昆山搶得了不少發展機會。近十多年以來,蘇州、昆山圍繞新資、台資推動產業集群帶動區域發展,天津也曾以摩托羅拉-三星為龍頭帶動相應產業集群的發展。同一時期內,珠三角地區的發展相對落後了。@黃金分割比:昆山還是市相對獨立,發展的衝動要比撤市成區的區域強,發展的支配能力、控制能力也比較高。@順德頭條:要大更要強,但是南海不能僅有大項目落戶的榮譽與興奮,獅山應該引入培育更多叫得響與知名的產業才可以不負"高新區"的名號。圖片說明:作為全國開發區前20強的昆山高新區,正在打造具有國際影響力的現代化科技生態新城。; 處於昆山高新區最西南的村落姜巷村,改造後仍舊是一片江南水鄉的田園風光。儲存
編者的話/ "向世界出發·2013企業國際化新挑戰"第四站,self storage《中國經營報》記者到法國考察採訪。近年來,法國的服裝、箱包等奢侈品,紅酒、奶粉等農產品,飛機、遊艇等工業品,以及金融、能源、化學、汽車、零售等知名品牌均深受國人喜愛,中法間的貿易與合作也不斷升溫。然而,記者採訪發現,中國企業赴法國投資的合作仍有極大提升空間。法國國民經濟體系健全,適當放開各種限制尤其是高新技術企業的專利出口限制,無疑將能在短時間內迅速密切雙方合作。當然,法國工會強大的維權能力和意識可能會讓中國企業多做思量。但對於兩個歷史悠久的大國來說,只要想合作,所有的這些因素都不是問題。投資法國有哪些機會?怎樣更好提高資金的回報效率?請看本期報道。 9月17日,聖元集團在法國布列塔尼地區投資1億歐元的嬰兒奶粉工廠拿到了施工許可證,這距離他們向法國政府部門提出申請不過僅兩個月的時間。 "這樣的速度在以往可是不可想象的。"聖元法國公司董事長馬祖瑞強調。 這一細節從側面透露出法國目前對待中國投資者的積極態度。目前,中國是法國在亞洲的第一大貿易伙伴、全球第二大進口來源國。按照中國海關的統計,2012年,中法雙邊貿易額為510.2億美元,同比下降2%。其中,中國對法出口269億美元,同比下降10.3%;中國自法進口241.2億美元,同比增長9.3%。 "法國出口中國市場的比例太低。"法國外交部經濟關係中國事務特別代表奧布里在2013年4月舉辦的"投資在巴黎"座談會上表示,將打開國門,吸引中國企業投資法國和拓展中國市場,農業食品、衛生產業和與可持續發展相關的產業將是對華的主導產業。市場互補尋機會 就在奧布里在巴黎對中國企業發出邀約不久,4月27日,在北京舉行的中法商務論壇上,中國企業聖元集團與法國索迪亞集團就正式簽署了合作協議。雙方合作建立的現代化嬰兒奶粉工廠設計年產能達10萬噸,預計2015年上半年投產,那時這將成為全球最大生產嬰兒奶粉的單體工廠。 位於諾曼底南部的布列塔尼半島,地理位置偏僻,遠離發達的工業區,卻也因此保留了原生態的牧場,法國國家原產地名稱研究院(INAO)統一認證、管理,並命名的AOP奶源控制區就在這裡。 只是,豐盛的產量眼下正在成為全歐的難題。一位法國奶業的業內人士提供了這樣一組數據:全歐盟一年的牛奶產量為1.5億噸,其中僅3000萬噸用于出口;新西蘭全年產量為1250萬噸,其中90%用于出口。 顯然,在乳製品的國際市場上,歐盟並未獲得與其生產能力相當的市場份額。 "目前在法國,出現了很明顯的牛奶產能過剩。嬰幼兒奶粉的核心原料是乳清粉,而它正是奶酪生產的副產品,但是目前歐洲乳製品消費已無提升空間。"馬祖瑞表示。 但此時,千里之外的中國,對於高端嬰幼兒奶粉的需求卻進入了爆發式的增長期。2013年1~7月,中國進口乳製品數量為982960.4噸,同比增長26.5%。 按照國家標準,以乳或乳蛋白製品為主要原料的嬰兒配方食品中,乳清蛋白所占總蛋白質的比例應大於等於60%,中國廠商目前所用的乳清粉主要依賴進口。 尤其在中國奶粉質量問題頻頻見諸報端之後,"進口奶源"幾乎是奶企獲取市場信心的唯一砝碼。不僅是聖元,包括合生元、光明都踏上了海外"找奶"之路。 就在聖元集團落實在法國投資建廠之時,中國另一家高端嬰幼兒奶粉企業合生元也在7月敲定了與法國乳製品生產商Isigny Sainte M�re(ISM)的股權合作協議,其未來在法國的奶粉產能將達到5萬噸。 "目前不僅僅是聖元、合生元等在尋找法國的乳製品合作商,包括中糧等都在向我們咨詢。"在法國政府投資部(Invest in France Agency),《中國經營報》記者見到了法國政府投資部駐華首席代表、法國駐華大使館投資參贊孔士嘉(Pascal Gon迷你倉rand),在他看來,雙方各取所需讓中法在農業食品充滿了合作契機,但這樣的合作機會絕不僅僅存在於農業領域。 7月9日,法國總理埃羅正式公佈了政府"未來十年投資計劃"(PIA),2016年至2025年十年間政府將投資120億歐元在科研、航天航空、數字經濟和能源等方面。 "核能技術法國具有傳統優勢,現在計劃建築集成太陽能光伏板發電價格達到具有鼓勵性的42~58歐分/千瓦時,目前又對'可再生熱能'基金投入近10億歐元,這些對於目前正在蓬勃發展的中國新能源企業有相當的吸引力。"孔士嘉表示。 2013年4月24日,由中廣核集團法國分公司總承包的2MW屋頂太陽能項目首個電站在法國中南部城市RIGNAC 成功並網發電,這也是中廣核集團首個海外清潔能源電站項目。 孔士嘉現在的日程安排中,每天至少有3~4家中國或法國企業需要見面。 "我們發現除大型的企業之外,一些中小型企業也對到法國去投資抱有濃厚的興趣。"他告訴記者,"這些企業多半處於轉型期,對於技術和研發效率提升充滿渴望,那些擁有技術資源的法國中小型企業是他們的目標。"他說。本地人才好辦事 "中國人的資金+法國人的技術/資源"——優勢互補的"夢幻組合"是否就能一帆風順呢?答案未必。 潘諾是中國銀行巴黎分行總經理,他的另一個身份是法國中資企業協會的會長。盡管是一個金融機構的代表,但他告訴記者,很多時候中國企業"走出去"最大的困難往往來自于對當地法律、機構甚至文化的瞭解和融合。 於是,選擇本土化的高管,成為新近赴法投資的企業主要的選擇。 "外國企業在法國獨自經營是很困難的。"尤其,農業、乳製品都是法國的傳統行業,聖元集團所選擇的法國公司董事長馬祖瑞卻是這個行業內的"教父"人物。他17歲入行,從1987年起開始與中國市場打交道,而那一年正是中國乳製品企業開始對外合作的元年。 "其實目前中國政府制定的奶粉標準已經很高了,但是法國企業的經驗能夠幫助中國企業在整個流程中控制奶粉生產的品質。"馬祖瑞說。在他的帶領下,新建成的奶粉工廠將實現百分之百的生產可追溯性,一旦出現品質問題,能夠保證在3~4個小時內追溯到原因,並且定位問題奶源是在哪個農場,甚至哪一頭牛身上。 馬祖瑞在乳製品行業內豐富的經驗自然是聖元集團所需要的,但在聖元此次高達1億歐元的投資中,其在法國本土市場、政府和行業之間的關係網,或許更被看重。 "目前當地政府的管理部門專門指定了一個業務專員,他的主要工作即為聖元集團和當地的政府管理部門之間進行關於項目的業務溝通,加快業務推進效率。"馬祖瑞介紹。事實上,這樣專門為一個企業提供業務支持在法國是極其罕見的。 而合生元國際總監安玉婷(Laetitia Garnier)的簡歷中,也能夠看到她有7年時間任職于法國貿易華南委員會,主要負責對華出口及投資的法國公司(尤其是消費品和保健行業的公司)提供游說及營運支援。 "現在一個趨勢是法國的地方政府正在積極爭取中國企業去投資,並在投研經費和用地上都給予支持,很多企業都想到法國去投資,但是在如何才能保證投資的效益和效率上,中國企業仍需要專業的指導,本土化的職業經理人和平台都是現在中國企業的選擇。"孔士嘉說。 "法國經濟外交的優先目標是重振國家經濟。"法國外長洛朗·法比尤斯在"投資在巴黎"座談會上明確表示,促進法國與中國的貿易往來及跨境投資是法國目前的首要目標。 按照IFA的統計,中國企業對法國的投資到目前為止創造了超過9000個工作崗位。這個數字對於受到歐債危機拖累,經濟複蘇緩慢的法國政府而言也有強烈的吸引力。 "中國'投資客'的形象正在由過去的單打獨鬥,變得越來越團隊化、職業化,懂得為自己配置資源,這是一個非常積極的變化。"在孔士嘉眼中,經過歷練的中國企業與法國企業深度合作的大戲,現在才剛剛開場。自存倉
賀州黃姚古鎮■生活報見習記者 葉麗萍 實習生 譚小潭說到古鎮,mini storage很多人腦海里浮現的可能是鳳凰、麗江等字眼,一到黃金周,這些國內的知名古鎮便是人山人海的景象。咱們不必去湊那個熱鬧,我們廣西區內也一樣有古色古香的小鎮,也一樣有著動人的古老故事,且不說已經聞名天下的黃姚,即將沉入水底的剝益古鎮、幽深寧靜的榕津古鎮也很值得一去。七天假期,選一個合自己"胃口"的,偷得浮生半日閑,度假去吧。【最古樸】桂林大圩古鎮——堅守著最後的古老推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:古鎮始建于公元200年,位於山水旅遊名城桂林市東南18公里處,距靈川縣城30公里,地處灕江中游,在灕江北岸由西向東沿江而建,古風濃郁。鎮中民居臨江依山而建,在街兩旁青磚、青瓦的二層老房子里,竹編作坊、草鞋作坊、草醫診室、老理髮店等一批古老的手工作坊,仍堅守著最後的古老。交通提示:從桂林市區到大圩古鎮只有18公里,桂林長途汽車站有專線車,約40分鐘車程。旅遊提示:古鎮不設門票,自由參觀全天開放,遊覽時間約1個小時。鹿寨中渡古鎮——中渡八景推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:中渡千年古鎮,是鹿寨文明的發源地,建于孫甘露元年(公元265年),距今將近2000年曆史。至今保留有古城門、城牆、商號,可見當年的商賈雲集。中渡是一條古驛道,明清時曾繁華一時,整個群落一律青磚灰瓦,木質構架。至今仍有很多保存較好的舊商號、客棧、古民居等建築。交通提示:中渡古鎮距柳州鹿寨縣城28公里,距柳州65公里,鹿寨車站有到中渡的班車大巴。旅遊提示:旅客可以體會到做農家活、吃農家飯、住農家屋的農家樂休閒情境。桂林陽朔石頭城推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:石頭城隱藏在陽朔的西北部葡萄鎮梅嶺間。建于鹹豐4年(1854年),隱于陽朔葡萄鎮西9公里山嶺間的石頭城,方圓10平方公里。其城規模之大、地勢之險、建築之神奇實屬罕見,它是目前廣西保存最為完好的古城之一。古石城的城門、城牆的設計也與桂林靖江王城的建築風格較為相似。人們猜測為明朝所建,雖沒有桂林靖江王城那麼規範,但山野之城,其規模之大,地勢之險,建築之神奇,令人叫絕。交通提示:石頭城隱藏在陽朔的西北部葡萄鎮梅嶺間。從陽朔乘坐到葡萄的客車,然後在葡萄轉車即可;或者桂林乘坐去陽朔的客車葡萄下,然後轉車。旅遊提示:每年4-10月是最佳的旅遊季節。石頭城在陽朔縣葡萄鎮楊梅嶺的崇山峻嶺間交通不便。【最生活】賓陽蘆圩古鎮推薦指數:★★★推薦理由:蘆圩鎮距離南寧市67.5公里,地處賓陽縣城,是廣西四大古鎮之一,是賓陽縣的政治、經濟、文化、教育的中心。蘆圩造屋建圩于明朝嘉靖年間,中和街的北帝廟、同仁街的土地廟、治興街的玉林五屬會館、鎮安街的基督教福音堂,水閘街的許家祖祠、太平街的觀音庵、天堂嶺的城隍廟,以及新市區武囊街的龍皇廟,蘆圩的寺廟、古剎、教堂、祠堂星羅棋布,每條街都有數間古建築。交通提示:從南寧金橋客運站坐車,可到到賓陽蘆圩客運站,再換成三輪車前往蘆圩古鎮。旅遊提示:賓陽酸粉作為爽口消暑的夏日食品,以其特有的嫩滑、酸甜可口、香脆誘人而聞名遐邇。【最浪漫】桂林興安古鎮——最美小橋流水人家推薦指數:★★★推薦理由:興安位於桂林東北部,距離桂林市區57公里,號稱"中國10大魅力古鎮"之一,實際上"古鎮"指的是著名的古運河——靈渠穿越興安縣城的一段水路,沿水路兩岸有古代形成的街市、民居、樓台亭閣,古跡甚多,如今把這段水路稱為"水街",於是靈渠、水街和秦城構成了"興安古鎮"的全部精華。交通提示:從桂林汽車站坐桂林到興安縣城的直達快巴!抵達興安後具體要去什麼地方,可坐當地的小三輪摩托車。旅遊提示:興安鎮還有號稱"東方迪斯尼樂園"的大型現代娛樂之都——桂林樂滿地休閒世界。平樂榕津古鎮——漫步古鎮看千年榕樹推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:榕津古鎮榕津古鎮位於桂林平樂縣東南25公里處,小鎮以榕樹多、榕津河沿街而過聞名於世。榕津古鎮上千年的榕津大街保存較為完整,整條街道的房舍大多為南方民間磚木結構的騎樓,其中的魏星樓、古戲院、粵東會館等基本保持了原貌,青磚綠瓦、飛簷流拱,體現了我國南方古self storage村鎮建築典雅、古樸的風格。交通提示:如果不從陽朔去,在桂林汽車客運站也有到平樂的車,票價15元左右,車程兩個多小時,到平樂後坐大巴到榕津,票價4元左右。旅遊提示:這裡的千年古榕群又叫月老古榕或連心古榕,如果來到這裡是你尚是單身,不妨對著古樹拜一拜,據說它能有情人情結連理呢。百色剝益古鎮——沉沒之前 最後看我一眼推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:從廣西溯右江而上,就能到達這個滇桂之間的美麗古鎮——剝益。從前的剝益是雲南與中原茶馬貿易過境驛道所經之處,昔日的馬幫漢子來到這裡,為這裡的壯族女子流連,今天,你仍然能看到壯家女子合衣而泳的美麗。鎮內的古巷圍牆與碼頭的欄杆同樣滄桑斑駁,這一切,都在講述一段古老的關於銅、鹽、茶、馬的傳奇故事。但這個小小古鎮的美麗有最後限時,隨著百色水利樞紐建設工程的開展,這個輝煌了近千年的古鎮,不久即將沉沒江底。交通提示:到達百色市後,轉汽車70多公里到剝益。旅遊提示:在距離剝益古鎮不遠、馱娘江沿線還有別的壯家村落可以停駐,比如布瑞村、板達、索烏村等,不但有純樸的農家風光,還可以品嘗到馱娘江里鮮美的河鮮。【最寧靜】柳州丹洲島古鎮推薦指數:★★★★★推薦理由:丹洲古鎮位於廣西柳州三江丹洲鎮丹洲村,是融江中的江心小島。在柳江上游,北距三江55公里,南距柳州140公里。它四面環水,是柳江河上一座橢圓型的島嶼,寬1.6平方千米,居住人口1058人。丹洲書院是丹洲古城最大的一處建築,古香古色,古風猶存。交通提示:進丹洲要坐渡船。不再納悶為何無橋,有了橋的丹洲島就不再是世外桃源。旅遊提示:古鎮東門是上島的必經之路。外來的車輛不能上島,只能停放在島外的停車場,要收費(10元)。人靠輪船過渡,也有小舟擺渡,非常方便。上島要收費(10元)。南寧揚美古鎮——繁華過後的寧靜之所推薦指數:★★★推薦理由:揚美古鎮位於南寧市的西南部,距離南寧市區僅36公里,公路、水路、鐵路俱通過這裡。揚美古鎮始建于宋代,至今已有上千年的歷史。自建鎮到民國年間,一直是近百公里範圍的商品集散地,繁榮一時,素有"小南寧"之稱。揚美鎮上還散佈不少古跡,孔廟、魁星樓、慕義門、黃氏莊園、進士舊居和辛亥革命人士梁烈亞的故居都值得一游。揚美也有著豐富的古樂民間藝術:唱看春牛、師公戲、三月三劃龍船等活動。交通提示:(1)到華強路198號(二運汽車站斜對面)的"南寧-楊美"專線旅遊車停靠點乘車,每天上午9:00、10:00、11:00準時發車,單程7元,車程約1.5小時。返回南寧的車很少,一般是下午14:00和16:00各有一班,事先要先問好發車時間。(2)前往揚美的公路路況一般,有旅遊牌提示,中途要輪渡,按車收費。旅遊提示:門票10元,揚美只有兩個旅店,臨江街的臨江飯店和文生飯店,最低10元/人,最高不超過50元(節假日除外),但條件一般,床位也很少,旅遊旺季建議還是當天返回南寧。【最文化】貴港大安古鎮——"中國民間文化藝術之鄉"推薦指數:★★★推薦理由:大安古鎮位於貴港平南縣,古建築群體至今保存較為完好,座落在大安鎮西北,白沙、新客二江匯合處,古建築群以大王廟(列聖宮)、粵東會館、大安橋、大碼頭等古建築物組成。大安鎮于2008年被國家文化部命名為"中國民間文化藝術之鄉",大安古鎮以大安粵曲、牛歌戲而聞名。交通提示:坐車到貴港市平南鎮隆車站後,在鎮隆車站正面(平南方向)白天平南到大安的車10來分鐘就有一班。陽朔福利古鎮推薦指數:★★★★推薦理由:到福利,賞灕江秀麗風光,尋古建築、古文化和民間手工藝人。具有1000多年曆史的福利古鎮,不僅山水綺麗,而且有其獨特的文化,至今還保留有原始部落文化——儺樂(儺:nu�,舊時驅除疫鬼的神)、儺舞、儺面具;從福利的三亭(大光亭、接樓橋亭、觀景亭)、三街(老街、興隆街、嶺背街)、三宮(天後宮、行宮、水源宮)、三寺(青龍寺、白虎寺、崇佛寺)、三石(即三姑石,平列石台上的三塊石頭,相傳是當年劉三姐為解救三位村姑而"點衣成石"的傑作),可以看出其中文化的多元性、複雜性。交通提示:可以在陽朔汽車站乘坐到福利的客車前往。mini storage
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